Coronavirus - Close the Airports

They are opening for Takeaway services which leads to the question, why they weren’t doing that all along?

can one of the keep them in cew clarify what crumbs we are getting on monday

we can go to woodies? is that it?

Did you see the video of the drive thru takeaway in Semele Stadium?

I’ve got a few sneers and a patronising attitude when I mention to drive on and all this stuff is pointless, before hopefully we will when I outline the lack of virus or apparent imho in the community and it’s a cover for the fuck up of nursing homes.


In official terms that’s about it.
Gardeners, construction and other outdoor work can also resume.

In real terms I think alot of small businesses are going to move on with their own road map from here and start re-opening.

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Woodies could have stayed open for last few weeks as they did fall into the essential category but the government requested that they voluntarily shut in order to keep public gathering to a minimum. I’ve a relation in head office who told me that

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You can meet someone from outside your family outdoors

Bike shops pal. Tennis.

You’re on the pigs back.

I was told they could open to sell essential goods but decided not to as impossible to police it and crowds walking out with paint etc would be a bad look.

buke shops are open already

tennis is the big one for upper middle class people like me

not surehowthat benefits @Horsebox or @feck_it


Yeah along those lines, there would have been a rush and it would be bad PR if it was packed like the pub in temple bar where they were asked to shut and a law came in afterwards to ensure it

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Their back. Countryside getting a new lick of paint, garden set and bbq

There isn’t a tin of paint, ronseal or cresote to be got in the country.

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I’m hearing of businesses refusing to invoice all their sales as they need to show reductions to keep getting government aid payments.


The LOI is way ahead of these chumps in returning to play

The GAA are the officer class. The LOI are cannon fodder.

Rugby is officer class
The GGA is for rural simpletons that can’t play real sports

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