Coronavirus - Close the Airports


Why are Poland doing so.much better than us?

Any talk of your lockdown ending?

On what basis?


The state pays players

Having such a high death rate compared to the rest of the world

Ah you get lads like this who go to stralia for a few months and its all they can ever talk abiut then.


Yeah but they’re shocking.

They wernt shocking until recently


How are you calculating death rate?

200 (3)


Don’t @Mac

It’s a genuine question. I don’t want to disprove you with data only to find out you’re calculating it a different way

I’m taking it from his website

Ah right. Do you need reading as well as math lessons

Good for you. That site shows Ireland in a decent place

We are doing well in terms of deaths per million?

Deary, deary me

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Unfortunately the death rate metric is proving to be a poor comparator given that different countries have put in place different criteria around how they are counting deaths.

Some countries (like Ireland) are counting any death where COVID19 was present as a Corona virus death regardless of what other factors were at play in the case. Other countries are excluding those who were already terminal or in poor health. Some countries the figures they are reporting don’t tally with the reports of deaths on the ground.

In terms of the general population and stopping
the exponential spread the government here have handled it reasonanly well. They acted early and the messaging was strong.

However it’s in the finer details where a lack of experience in handling a pandemic have come to the fore, in particular around the nursing homes. So on one hand now you have a large portion of the population who are going to be able to avoid any major health impacts, but a more vulnerable smaller section who will decimated.

I don’t think they are mate. Most people here believe that the numbers are grossly under reported. Deaths are being classified as anything but Corova. There isn’t structured testing going on. The Government are obsessed about running a Presidential election on May 10th, that’s all they seem to care about. Having said that, the lockdown began earlier here than in Ireland and Poles are hypochondriacs and haven taken it seriously pretty much from Day one.


Our death rate is high
Our testing is poor
Our contract tracing is poor
Our messaging about the virus was poor as we have no instructions about Cheltenham or stopping Italian visitors coming in