Coronavirus - Close the Airports

What is the fucking point of the 5k limit to everything?

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Advising to use face masks on busy public transport or in an enclosed indoor public space, but it’s optional.

Mandatory if you have to go over the Tipperary border

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Talk about not answering g a question fair play heather top class civil servant

“Optional” - You just know that if you rock up in the local Dunnes without one though the busy cunt brigade will be letting you know all about it.


The same tinfoil that was used to wrap the sanggidges would surely do de job.

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Her verbal tics, if that’s the right way to describe them, are piercing.

The way she throws an involuntary “aaaayyyy” into most sentences in her muldoon Cavan-Monaghan accent is absolutely terrifying.

We have provided a new grant for SMEs to…aaaayyyy…support them during these unprecedented times. The grant can be accessed by all…aaaayyyy…Irish companies and I want to pay tribute to…aaaayyyy…the businesses and employees that are working…aaaayyyy…diligently throughout the country.


Will the government be sending every household out a few face masks, or is that service reserved for genuinely useful things like iodine tablets and millennium candles?


Back to normality me telling the local busy bodies to fuck off

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I’d say we’ll never be half the man she is

The head on Harris. Christ, he’s an awful prick.

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Fucking horsey cunts back

Harris is a patronising cunt

Curtains fucking curtains

I’d love to crack Harris’s skull against a kerb the condescending little cunt


Harris seems to be getting smugger day on day
I’d say Dr Tony has no time for him

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Harris is a fucking spoofer. He’d be better off sticking to the gardening

I’m not wearing a mask.

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Have you looked in the mirror recently. I’d reconsider if I were you

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