Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Ya the Spanish testing seemed to show only 5% of the place had it though. On that basis you’d imagine we are a lot less.

But that seems a complete outlier versus other studies done, Sweden reckon they are at 20% plus for example. So who knows

Open her up ta fuck.

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When they say june they mean August. They will find a way to make a balls of it

The Chief Justice has come out swinging for Tony and the Gang, calling out the muddled ad hoc advice they’re throwing out.


About time … they’ve been more or less blaming the public, trying to cover up their mistakes, for a few weeks now.

Lads from Kilenaule reported and turned away from Thurles Golf club because they live about 8km away.

Where are we going like?

By guards or golf course staff?

Opening up golf courses and beaches but imposing a 5km restriction is encouraging people to break the restrictions. Either don’t open them or remove the travel restriction. I cant make sense of it

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CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel Instructions for Use.

See page 48. Highlighted text below is worth noting. The CDC is confirming that the test could turn up false positives (i.e. the test determines that a patient has Covid-19 when in fact they don’t). If the test shows a coronavirus is present, that doesn’t mean it’s causing disease.

People coming out and saying “twas grand, I could have done a sub 50 10k with it if I really put my mind to it” doesn’t really sell newspapers (or internet newspaper website subscriptions). The articles about the odd lad in his mid 30s who passed away from it are much more clickable.

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They were reported by the public and the guards came i think.

Cahir having the same problem. Whole thing is a cod now.

A member in cahir called the cops because he couldn’t get out for a tee time he wanted with all the distance members playing

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Wouldnt surprise me classic curtain twitches in tipp

He’s on about the advice given to the Dail committee by HSE/NPHET that they couldn’t be in the same room for more than two hours in the day.

His statement says they formulated procedures for having urgent court sittings observing all publicly available advice, and low and behold they hear of this new made up rule of two hours per day yesterday. Hearings often exceed two hours in a day so he’s asking to clarify which muddled version of the rules should be followed.

He has them by the nads, he’s dead right.


Vast vast majority of people who get it only have a very mild illness. So mild for many that they won’t even realise they have it. The auntie had it a couple weeks ago. Only had a very mild ticklish cough. Felt grand apart from that but got tested and came up positive. And she was in the high risk group. Retired. Had heart surgery last year.

No doubt it seems to hit some individuals very hard and it seems the boffins haven’t quite figured out why that is yet.

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The rules all seem more and more arbitrary and made up. 5km. No more. But no rule re face masks. The crisis is over and they have a bit of time to think and they are now making a balls of it.

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I was asking a question you didn’t want to answer and that’s fine buddy. Carry on.

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I’m not qualified to answer it.

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That doesn’t surprise me with some of the cunts that play golf.

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The 5km is fine. They want people to stay at home. But then don’t open other facilities like beaches and golf courses, tennis clubs.

They are encouraging stay at home but tempting people to break it.

What is their motivation? So they can have ammunition to stall a phase? Just don’t open these things if you want people to stay at home. Very conflicting