Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I dont think there’s enough data for anyone to make that claim.

Not being awkward but I know two who would. One of them was in his 50s and said he could have worked with it and only stayed off because he had to isolate.

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So you’re not sure if Covid 19 is worse than the ordinary flu?

I’m not a virologist no, so i’m not qualified to make that call. I know you had a chat with a doctor the other night and feel you have the inside scoop here, but you need to relax there for yourself.

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Who do you think told the various governments to shut down?

I know another who has underlying health issues who had it. Had a headache for a few days was only symptom.

There will be more deaths and hardship because the whole health service has been put on ice to prepare for Covid 19. At this stage the lockdown is there to protect decision makers and not the public.

Not making masks mandatory is protecting them too as they know there are no enough.

Nursing home deaths are tragic, all the more because they die without family and no funeral but a lot of lads are forgetting the life expectancy in a nursing home is 18 months. You go into one because you are very unwell.

My parents are mid 80s. They could conceivably spend rest of their lives locked down.


Governments took those decisions themselves. Are you saying there’s someone else running the country? — Did these people forget to close down Sweden? And the UK for a bit? How come these people are opening up countries while leaving others shut? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?

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Do u reckon they asked for any medical advice?

Because that doesn’t suit a certain narrative…

A load of hypochondriacs whipped up into a frenzy by the media.

Also they are testing a lot of people with no symptoms at all, everyone in a nursing home that might have had no case for example.


Will there be more deaths from the fallout of this than there would have been if we had done nothing beside encourage social distancing as we had sad once early March?
It’s easy to trot out the line about ‘more deaths’ and mental health because we have done quite well in minimizing the death toll

What’s your point here - just get to it … Countries have closed and re-opened. Some never closed. Some are staying closed for a few years – it’s all arbitrary because know one knows exactly what the fuck is going on. WHO and others are still learning - masks, no masks, masks, no masks. It’s spreads this way one week and another way another … the evidence is still being formed. These so called experts have maintained it’s no more deadly than the flu but is far more contagious. The consultant that gave you the inside track is no expert so relax there for yourself.

Hard to know. But there would probably be less deaths if we had actually properly locked down the vulnerable, elderly and nursing homes and let everyone else off about their lives unhindered. We’d be nearing herd immunity now and those people could have been let out.
Instead we all have to stay locked inside even though there is little to no danger for 90% of us, and the very fact of us staying inside prevents it from ever being safe for the vulnerable to come out.
Instead we are waiting for a miracle vaccine, which may or may not be possible, which at best will be approved late this year having skipped a load of safety steps and will take probably a year to roll out in any meaningful way.

Instead of wearing masks out and about maybe we could all wheel around the place lying down on those trolleys mechanics use with a bed above us. Make the beds fairly lightweight and have them on wheels.


Are they just testing for current infection or are they doing antibody tests as well? You’d think it would be of vital importance to know this figure. Im told by a local vet one of the meat factories down home was tested and most of the staff tested positive but had zero symptoms last week. We are also being told about the cluster in the direct provision centre but not being told how many have symptoms have been hospitalised etc… if any?

They have only started rolling out reliable antibody tests in the past week. The ones up to now have been very unreliable.

No antibody testing has been done in Ireland. They’ve given the excuse that none have met their criteria for accuracy, but most of the other countries have managed it.
They say they will be starting shortly, and it should have begun by June. They’ll take a random representative sample of the population and we’ll see where we stand then.

I see an Irish company have had a rapid test approved $$

I thought it had been fairly well established that the PCR diagnostic test for the virus has an inherent problem, rendering case numbers meaningless.

Best case scenario is that it show a good chunk of the country has already had it. Hopefully lads will come out from under the bed then.