Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Guys, guys, guys.

We are being utterly failed by scientists. They haven’t a fucking notion.

Testing either detection or antibodies - failure.
How infectious it is - symptomatic, asymptomatic - failure.
Immunity - failure.
Vaccination - failure.

We have more hope of Harris curing this on Twitter than Science stepping up to the plate which is ever so deflating.


The Imperial model formed one of the basis of it alright. As did general WHO advice.

We’ve been good little followers of that advice but we are pretending now that we are still following it. The WHO said today to open up schools and get used to the new normal, Holohan says no way until September.


Do you want me to provide a list or something?

Science is our only hope mate, as in real scientists doing real work, not bureaucratic scientists who are either guessing or politically motivated.

Yes. You were the one making the claim on who was setting policy, so out with their names.

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Exactly and that’s why Mike won’t admit it, as both bodies have been absolutely discredited.

Trusting the WHO has cost hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide, and trusting the imperial college wanker has destroyed the global economy.


Our only hope is that the virus just fizzles away through good hygiene and social distancing practices or an act of God.

Science had its chance for six months now, a collective effort from them and nothing. It’s like finding out the smartest kid in the class is actually a doofus.

Down at SuperValu there. There are gangs of teenagers everywhere

Holohan is an MD who didn’t specialize in any area of medicine, let alone infectious diseases. You may as well ask your GP for guidance. He should have been ran out of town after the cervical cancer debacle.


WHO carry a massive amount of blame, they could have preventing the spread by challenging CCP in January.


These are difficult problems mate, your God designed a very fallible human and a very smart virus.

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December, but most damage was done in January when 5 million people left Wuhan and the WHO were still saying there was nothing to worry about.


You’re raving now. I asked Choco was he one of the mugs who thought Covid 19 was less serious than the seasonal flu. He said he couldn’t answer cos he wasn’t an expert and then called you an expert.

Covid 19 is far less serious than the flu for most people who are infected.
You are the biggest mug here.

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Big time. Yet the narrative on the media is that Trump is “deflecting” by calling them out. China and the WHO have completely failed the rest of the world here

Lads its time to close the golf courses for good. In time we should seek out any cunt who owns a club and beat them to death with them.

This is the way.


You expect it from China, as that is their history and they will never change as long as the CCP are in power. The current WHO leadership are utterly incompetent. Western governments also have a lot of culpability as they had plenty evidence of how bad this could get and ignored it, or maybe realized there was fuck all they could do.

The real experts don’t seem to agree. No offence but I’d err on the side of caution and believe them over some randomer in the States posting on a Irish GAA forum.