Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Mark my words those single women who have turned 30 this year will be absolutely bursting for a bit of mickey. The anxiety they must be going through now about being left on the shelf will have them out of the traps ( minus the panties ) dripping wet for action.


His palms are sweaty, knees weak arms are heavy,
Theres vomit on his sweater already, moms spaghetti

Eminem had covid

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@backinatracksuit’S spaghetti

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Traffic light system is being mooted. Places like Dublin and Cavan would be red. You can neither travel in or out. Business still heavily restricted
Orange you can not travel outside orange but less restrictions on business, commuter counties, Kidare Laois etc and Mayo
Green you can travel wherever you like, business schools all back to normal. Galway Wexford Waterford

Only teams from green counties eligeble for championship. Teams from other counties could apply but they would have to decamp to green areas for the duration and 2 weeks quarantine

The female posters on here will be seething

Frightening for people who actually know some women that socially inept and probably dangerous weirdos like you will be waiting for them when it’s over


Be like shooting fish in a barrell

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@Feech_La_Manna has spent the lockdown fistpumping himsef under the bed while writing his Incel Terro manifesto


Jez lighten up asshole! “You know some women” well aren’t you the stud muffin…

I never said I knew any women you absolute freak, if I did I’d be worried about their safety with weirdos like you around

Yep you’ve got me nailed, what are you some kind of magnificent genius?

Are we still paying millions to private hospitals that are sitting empty?

He’s magnificent and he’s a genius but I wouldnt say he’s a magnificent genius.

Oh so you are one of those Franciscan monks. Now I get you. :zipper_mouth_face:

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Antibody testing early next month. This means we’ll have it sometime in 2025.

JP Morgan :smile:

Superdrug in the UK selling a home antibody test for 70 pound.

They say its 97.5% accurate.

People are not getting sick anymore. It’s fascinating to watch.