Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Do you know have to ring ahead and order something to then collect or can you just rock up and peruse items?

Spain have extended their lockdown to june 6th, no? Italy are beginning to relax now with very strict policies on social distancing

You misread.
The number of people who Iran have shot is up since the end of lockdown.


They’ll be no sitting at the bar anyway. Sitting at a table the only option.

I was on about coutries that were relatively successful in dealing with the virus.

That’s fine. Hopefully they do table service and we’re all happy.

Extended it in hotspots like Madrid and Barcelona.
I think other places have eased restrictions far more

Depends on province I think

And only socially distanced rows outside the chipper

It’s on the rise across the Middle East & South America. We’ve bet it here in Europe though at this stage.

The madrilenians and catalans will not like that. They wont like it one bit.

Inside the boozers too

That will have to be the way to go realistically here too … if there’s an outbreak in an area, lock down a region for a period. They need to be forth coming with where the cases are tho.

I’m gonna go queue outside McGowans now.

It was contained with very strict impositions on the movement of people, hopefully it remains contained when people start moving again.

We get one shot at reopening, people will not go into lockdown again after it opens up

They will be out before us.

NZ are going to a 4 day work week. Lot to be said for that.

Do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime


Sure they’re all savages living on top of one another

This is the beginning of the rest of your life
You better start movin’ like you’re running out of time
The realisation coming over your mind
That it should be a canter
If you could just find the answer
You know it could be a canter
If you were just a wee bit less of a wanker
More than half ae’ the time