Coronavirus - Close the Airports

It’s over lads. Anyone still on the other side of the argument would want to go away and have a long hard look at themselves

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The investment bankers have never let us down before, why would they start now

My name is Jim

Your mentor had trouble understanding that statement too but at least you’ve admitted you’re not an expert.

Well that’s pretty obvious.

Cases still have some uses though.

If you were testing 10k a day of a couple weeks ago like in Ireland there were 300 positive cases a day vs now testing 15k a day and getting 100 cases a day that is still good evidence of a big drop off. And even if we were say testing 10k a day now with 15k capacity, that’s also a good sign because the drop in demand signals declining infection. Those quants still get a value out of it in fairness.

The problem with the testing (aside from the kits being also quite shit) was that we have no idea of what the true early infections levels were in most countries.

It’s very polarised at either extreme of the OIUTF and LIDTF/LIUTF debate, but it’s your @Fran s, @Gman s and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy s - those easy going and harmless types in the middle - that will ultimately decide whether restrictions can be lifted early.


Leo is delighted an excuse to stop it. Welfare cheats us all

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76 new cases. 12 deaths.

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Why are they still using the imperial college model? Is it just to scare the shit out of public?

No idea. I was in favour of the lockdown but it’s not justified now. I think they are wrong not to mandate masks as well.

Is @Copper_pipe on a day off?

I was playing NBA 2k20

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How ya getting on? I was getting the hang of it through the career mode but I met a few mates at a safe distance the other night and haven’t played since

I haven’t won an online game yet :confused:

There’s nothing to use. Imperial College have stopped updating their results since European countries started easing restrictions. They say they are updating their model, probably waiting to see the impact of easing restrictions first so as not to make donkeys of themselves again.

The University of Washington modelers appear to have given up projecting deaths as well and have gone to broad ranges. Basically the modelers have admitted defeat.

Mullingar. Hmmmm

Are 40% of the covid payment claimants really earning more than pre lockdown? I saw a headline to that effect somewhere earlier

200,000 of them or so. ‘Twas still the right decision as it needed to be quick but you’d
Imagine it should be rolled back now.

You’d be hoping that would be a cohort who will put that money straight back into the economy once things reopen

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