Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Back up over 100 cases, lock it down to fuck.

We have the slowest exit plan of any country, we’ll be still paying some lads €350 (to spend the summer queuing at B&Q) when we’re locking up for the second wave when the flu season starts to kick in. This is what happens when the country is being run by medics.

Theres barely been a first wave. Were it not for the Govts murderous mishandling of the Nursing Homes we’d be well under 100 deaths


The Hippsterist town of all time

Cornwall is lovely.

I’ve never seen more pallet tables

Did you drive over?


Restriction wasn’t there weeks ago but now people want to look forward to something they have to trample on it.

Other countries are implementing measures to try and get travel going but Dr Tony is afraid of some holidays.

I thought we were going to be South Korea and trace everyone and everything?

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Flew to Newquay and hired a car. It would be a long drive down from the ferry. Only issue with a car is finding parking in Padstow. It’s ducking rammed

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Ya be a right trek, but you’d want a car over there I’d imagine to see it

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You would. Hence hiring the car.

It’s laughable at this stage. Couldn’t impose restrictions on the Italians when they were needed, now happy to impose them just as things are picking up

A worldwide pandemic and you have to listen to entitled cunts cribbing about the holidays.


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12 flights a day landing at the height of it from Northern Italy and now it’s over they want to close the borders. What kind of clowns are in charge therecatvall


What happened to the median age announcements?

Would Tony be keeping them quiet because it’s mainly people in their 80s


Excellent piece
The State cannot just go around detaining citizens in “designated facilities” for the comfort of an extra level of protection. You can’t just lock healthy people up to be on the safe side. It is an absurd, dystopian over-reaction.

Some people crave such over-reaction to assuage their biting fear. But putting our fingers in our ears and chanting “save lives, save lives, save lives” does not justify every draconian proposal, no matter how well-intentioned.


This actually makes sense lads. It’s what they should have done months ago. Theres no point making the same mistakes twice.

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Too many lads on here are more concerned about blowing to their friends or colleagues about the holiday they are going on or were going on.

Makes sense how?

We are supposed to have good testing and tracing in place.

This was about allowing people to live as much of their normal lives as possible, not ramp up restrictions on people.

There’s a load of sheltered lads on here who think that people giving out about the lockdown are just bored and want to go for a pint/holiday and are not facing financial ruin/mental health problems/unemployment etc.