Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Very true

When the pandemic is over they should continue to read out nightly how many people died each day and the reason.


Check the posts above, lads bemoaning the fact that they are stuck with the UK for holidays.

The lads blithly accepting everything Supreme Leaders Dr Tony and simple Simon decree define exactly why this country was a tan colony for centuries


I was making the broader point. There seems to be an element of the LIDTF crew that think people want this lifted solely out of boredom (there are, obviously), but this is doing damage every hour it goes on

Riddled with rats and informers. Ringing the guards when the neighbour goes 1km outside their zone and sending emails to golf clubs


It’s hard to justify locking young healthy people that want to earn a living if they start asking questions about median ages.

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Colluding with the RUC to get their own brothers and sister butchered, easy spot them

Whatever about opening up services/businesses etc, it is very important that airports are controlled and travel is greatly restricted until the virus has been well and truly suppressed.


We locked down when we were having 30/40 reported cases a day.

There were 100 odd reported cases today.

Lockdown fatigue is real, I’m suffering from it. But what they are trying to do is very fucking challenging lads

No please stick to the point, what are we aiming for here?

Eradicating it still?

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Who’s we? Restricting international travel made sense then and it makes sense now.

If you’ve suppressed in the community it makes no sense to get it back from travel as we are opening up. It came in from travel

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What harm is travel between places with similar R numbers?

There’s still absolutely no restriction on traveling. Anyone can still come here.

We can’t track and trace?

We can’t mitigate the risk?

According to official stats only 3% of cases came from travel even though we had no border controls. NZ.'s figure was 70% with a full lockdown and some believed the Irish figure claiming they had no reason to doctor the figures

Ah here

63% of Irish deaths came from nursing homes.

Know many nursing home residents going on foreign travel?


Apparently not. These restrictions exist because of the testing and tracing limitations they lied about and you defended.

In the absence of those. This makes sense

This was covered already