Coronavirus - Close the Airports

That is inaccurate.

Is it the mattress or the frame that makes beds so resistant to it? I wonder would it work if you just lay under a top bunk.

You don’t care about people once they aren’t white.

Which of your meltdowns are you referring to here exactly? I am trying to go easy on you as it’s clear you tend to err on the side of hysteria


That is an outrageous flammable juvenile thing to say.

Are you going to do anything bar bitch and moan?

Having the biggest fantasist in the history of the internet in Ireland as the chief cheerleader for the OIUTF crew is no help to anyone in fairness.

Which one is that? There are a few

Yes while you go running and hiding and generally shitting the togs at every opportunity I’m busy plottingg to bring down the government. Your level of inherint fear is beginning to manifest itself again.

Plenty fantasists on both sides

Easy tell which side the curtain twitchers and chickenshit quislings are on

You’re doing grand lads, as we said at the start of this, it’s ok to bitch and moan on here, just continue to hold the line out beyont.

Pretend bravery will only give you ulcers as you shake your fist at the restrictions from under your pillow.

Quit bitching and moaning about every little thing and you’ll be grand.

Its the likes of you that has the country ruined - running around during school hours breaking the restrictions constantly, posting more bread pics than a bakery.

You’re a fucking disgrace.


Ok guys. A few very agressive posts

Calm down


I’m only bitching about one thing and it’s the hysteria and fear that people like you have brought into hook line and sinker, bringing the country needlessly to its knees in the process. Well done, oh and great job on the nursing homes too btw.


The constant bile is a bit unsettling, frankly I don’t know what to make of it.
How have I the country ruined? I’m doing my job in difficult circumstances and baking as a hobby with the kids, why does it all bother you so much honestly?

You really hate backinatracksuit

If it makes you feel better, blame me for a pandemic, by all means.

You can shake your fist at me from under your pillow all you want

Hes a carrier travelling around out of his zone . He even purchased a bike and wants to extend his illegal activities to the countryside . It’s his cark arrogance.

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