Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Lockdown has gotten personal. Some of the name calling here is completely unnecessary

Not you your fear and panic when theres no need for it, please read what I said.
Also, how about trying something other than regurgitating my resonses to you, maybe come up with some of your own? Seriously, try to be original every now and then and you mightn’t be so fearful all the time

It’s frightening that somebody could develop such an intense distaste for me from a few posts on the internet,

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You played the hysteria card early and have been playing it since. It’s a tell of yours

You’re bitching and moaning incessantly about something you can’t or won’t do anything about.

Give it a fucking rest

When it comes to you its the trump card and it always will be.
It’s TFK and you criticize for bitching and moaning :laughing: :laughing:
I’d tell you to have a look in the mirror but I don’t want to spoil your evening

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I’ve aged 5 years in 3 months. :expressionless:

Whats actually frightening is what the interim government are doing here - our economy is going to be destroyed, DEIS school kids are going to suffer the most and you’re sniggering away to yourself for the last 2 months as a supposed teacher of same.

Shameful carry on.


Can someone not have a life away from their occupation?

What is it you do?

Ditto. I am here any time you need to blow off some steam bro

What exactly have you done work wise in the last 8 weeks? We get an email once a week from teachers as to what the kids should be doing, I’d say it takes them 15 minutes to throw it together. Plenty time left in the day for banana bread.



You’re a good lad for an cutting chat without a grudge

I don’t know what to make of that, you seem to know a lot about me???
I’m home all day every day, minding 4 kids and working, I’m doing quite a lot for those Deis kids you’re worried about, the sniggering thing is a bit offensive but I’m sure you don’t mind.
Try not to let things bother you so much,

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Kids need to have a social life. They could really do with opening up sports clubs, pitches etc for them.

I’ll PM you so as not to give too much away

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Letting it all out helps every now and then, I’d argue with any cunt all night but always forgotten next day, its a very necessary skill in my game

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Sure don’t I know it. Myself and the owner of the local here went head to head literally over a row about a soccer match. He bought me a pint the next night I was in :joy:

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Don’t be justifying yourself to any man. Especially not that one, ask him how many cattle he has? Quid pro quo and all

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How are we set for the Christmas lads?


Get him into the dail OIUTF