Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Fail to prepare and all that stuff.
We’ll still be in lockdown then

You’ll be having a whiskey yourself then please God

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Just a small one.(750ml)

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Remdesivir seems to be a treatment lads. Reduces death rate from 70 per cent to 10 percent.

Death rates are apparently 2 weeks and up to six week weeks behind infection rates

This is from somebody I know who is involved and cleverest person I know.


I think there’s five clinical trials going on and was it approved for compassionate use. It passed stage 1 for Ebola treatment already so safety has been established.

My pal called this at end of February. Said we faced a Shit show. Told me to pull kids out before schools closed. If he is positive I am very positive.

As an aside his business is set up for this. He gave It away for free when it hit

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Savage civilised tbf

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I saw a seal in cork harbour. Which was unusual. I saw a flock of seagulls having a conclave further up the harbour. They were on the water in a circle having a chat.

Nature is brilliant

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So, lockdown coming to an end?

Maybe I’m taking more notice, but the amount of wildlife around is spectacular this spring. I swear they know how fucked we are and are having an old laugh to themselves.


I have a walk down to the harbour every day and sit and look out. I’ve seen jumping fish, all types of birds, I saw a swan coming in for a descent and it was beautiful. Slowing down and watching what’s around you, it shows how much you take for granted.

The last week I’ve been bringing the small one down to the harbour and we feed the crows. They are coming right up to us now.

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No, results of clinical trials are still a few months away. An early compassionate trial done by the maker Gilead had promising results, 36 out of 53 patients showed clinical improvement. It’s not a cure, 8 got worse and 7 died.



You didn’t bring her with you for the first few weeks? Harsh!

I go for one walk with her, we feed the animals. Then before dusk I go on my own.

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formed a similar view, the birds seem to be singing louder, or perhaps it is we have less traffic on the roads so we can hear them easier!


Mid May a gradual relaxation. The GAA lads will be seething. It’s not close to essential.

We’ll get through this but at a huge cost to what we regard as normal behaviour.

I’m optimistic. My pal thinks we’re fucked.he’s cleverer than me.

I swear to fuck these gulls were having a meeting. They were in a big circle and talking in turns. One cunt would flap his wings and squawk. The the next cunt would have his spake.