Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m drinking a lot more now. I’m having a drink most nights, only a few bottles, but in the normal circumstances I wouldnt drink Monday-Thursday, bar the very odd bottle on a Thursday night.


I was talking to an experienced member of An Garda Siochaná based in Dublin and he said the stuff he’s seen in some households in the last couple of weeks was right up there with some of the worst stuff he’s ever seen on the beat

You don’t need it. It’s a depressant

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Within two days of the lockdown a guard told me domestic calls were up.

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Child abuse is gone off the scale apparo

Have you hit her a dig yet or does she join in?

Uncalled for comment. As a society we are hanging our most vulnerable out to dry if this continues for much longer


Just awful.

He’s a cunt.


I don’t drink at home so it’s a genuine question. She drinks a glass of wine & I go out the back haggard for a Blunt.
We don’t talk again until morning and shur everyone’s happy.

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Did ye enjoy yere day lads?
Are ye all set for the Christmas?

Solid shite day, weather a disaster. Hard to wear out kids indoors.

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Yeah it was a bit of a disaster alright. I’m on the hillbilly heroine so the day kind of passed me by

We managed it very well. Glad it was a Sunday. Monopoly banking and pizza making while it was raining then out to the park for a bit of exercise. Managed to do an egg hunt for the kids in the park. It was great till we saw a rat running around where we hid the eggs…
Roast chicken dinner then and a glass of red. Winner winner

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Went for a walk earlier and saw a woman up ahead emerge from a house, blow her nose with a tissue, and then throw the tissue on the ground as she hopped into her car and drove off. Disgusting carry on. :rage:

Had a lovely day, stretched the legs earlier, made it from the bed to the couch all in one go. The only hiccup came when I played the banjo for a bit but got frustrated with it but thats fine, needed the extra bit of firewood.
Settling in now for the evening with some loved ones, some choice craft beers, a bottle of whiskey, and, lest I forget, a few psychopaths on TFK. Don’t envisage any more hiccups from here


I’ll hit you a dig

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How are the in-laws holding up?

You never answered my second question

And until 24/12/20 I never will

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