Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Fuck this lads I’m moving to Namibia and I’m bringing my facemask with me

Some contrast between Prof Gerry and Prof Luke.

Can’t be up to these Professor hoors.

Reading The Undoing Project - it’s two protagonists ran an experiment in 70s that is interesting.

Tversky and Kahneman also belong in the ranks of visionaries. They were already talking around forty years ago about the outbreak of an Asian disease where people would die on other continents. The crux of their experiment lies in the way they described the two programs that were designed to combat the disease. They made two variants of them. In the first variant they described the two programs as follows:

  • A: This program will save 200 people.
  • B: With this program there is a 1 in 3 chance that all 600 people will be saved and a 2 in 3 chance that no one will be saved.

The expected economic outcome is the same for both programs. After all, the expected outcome for program B is that 200 lives will also be saved (1/3 x 600 + 2/3 x 0). The difference is that this expected outcome is achieved without any risk in program A. Whereas a risk factor is built into program B. Given that most people are averse to risk, they tend to choose program A (72 %)

The programs were framed differently in the second variant:

  • A: With this program, 400 people will die.
  • B: In this program there is a 1 in 3 chance that no one will die, and a 2 in 3 chance that all 600 people will die.

These two programs are identical to the previous two. After all, if you save 200 out of 600 people, 400 will automatically die. The results are exactly the same, except that the framing is different. Instead of saving lives, we are now talking about losing lives. When there is something to lose, people suddenly show completely different behavior. They immediately no longer shy away from the risks. In fact, they seek out risks because they hate the idea of losing so much that they do everything in their power to prevent it.

This is pretty much the standard behavior you see in casinos. But you also see that behavior with the outbreak of an Asian disease. In the second variant, the majority (78 %) opt for the more risky program B. So, despite the fact that the choices are actually identical, people tend to behave differently when you frame the options in terms of fatalities rather than lives saved. You can probably imagine how remarkable I think it is that in all the daily statistics about COVID-19, you can find the number of deaths per day and the number of hospitalizations per day, but you can’t find the number of recoveries per day anywhere

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This cunt is creepy

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Agreed. Nurses going round saving peoples lives, being there for the dyings last moments when their own families couldn’t. Jokeshop. I’m gonna go on the internet to wind some strangers up about them, that’ll learn 'em

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Will any heads roll for this?

Oooooft another soulless corporation drone on here who pretends they have a personality on the floor

Some interesting research out of Flinders University in Adelaide. Basically their findings are that the SARS-Cov-2 virus is highly unusual in that binds far more easily to human hosts than to animal hosts, which leads him to conclude that it is two viruses that combined (viruses or bacteria combining their genetic information is quite common either naturally in the same animal host or in the laboratory, it’s called genetic recombination and is one of the early drivers of evolution).

It is highly unusual for a virus that originates in an animal to bind easier to a human host, simply because the virus has adapted to the animal so well, possibly over millions of years. He reaches no conclusions but states it “could have been created from a recombination event in an animal host or it could have occurred in a cell culture experiment”.


Trump is going to love that study. Chi-na

As soon as they turn it into a hand puppet show for him to understand.

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You can track recoveries per day on worldometer

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Too busy riding like guinea pigs

Not really accurate in fairness. It’s a challenge to get that right globally as so many aren’t reporting the numbers regularly. Cases and deaths are relatively definitive.

I take @TheUlteriorMotive’a point though. They aren’t widely reported.

What is the median age of deaths in Ireland now? It is something I haven’t seen reported in quite some time.

They stopped reporting that weeks ago.

Sure lads don’t know what a median is



They give the median age of cases now. That was 49 yesterday. It’s all part of project fear. Having a median age of deaths up at around 84 wasn’t going to frighten the bulk of the population