Coronavirus - Close the Airports

No new cases in Sligo for 9 days.

yeah? if so kind of shows how it could flare up again

They are Normal People.


That’s from an rte update, slightly concerning

Check out your man on The Tonight show on Virgin.

He’s not happy, lidtf

Matt Cooper ?

Prof Gerry Killeen bigging it up for the LIDF crew on the Tonight show believes the second wave will be worse than the first wave. Believes that 3 weeks between phases is too short.

Yeah, at least Yates isn’t on

Only turned on after it started but he was pawing at his mask every 20 seconds.

In Wooly we trust; If this crisis has taught us nothing else, and it hasn’t, it’s that experts and researchers should stick to experts and researchers ’ topics, such as hot-oil wrestling, foxy boxing, and such -and- such

He actually winked when he said this.

In Wooly we trust, said nobody ever

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Spoken like a true tenured academic. I wonder who pays his bills?

The simpleton is there pulling and tugging on his mask & then telling us all how dangerous it is

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Claire and Ben Dunne getting ready to do Dr. Tony’s bidding on RTE

Prof Gerry strikes me as someone who is staking out his corner as doomsayer in chief.

Always a name to be made for yourself if you are on one extreme or another.

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If coronavirus has thought us anything it’s not to listen to experts. Look where that has got us

Those who can, do
Those who can’t, teach.

Have the experts any thoughts on the correct use of “taught”?

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There well abel ta spel