Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Open it up ta fuck

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Have they looked into that this may have been the second wave?

Of course it is … Are you saying Breda and Geraldine off Facebook are lying about having it last September?

I think he was suggesting it’s a sport for older, frail people


Of course they had it. They will also cure it by sharing a photo of padro pio, 1 share equals 1 prayer for our frontline workers and Dr Tony to beat coronavirus. No vaccine needed as it will give little Johnnie autistim

A sport for Karen’s

So that means there WILL be a second wave???


9 deaths 37 new cases.

HIQA inspector said that there was correspondence from them to the HSE about at risk nursing homes.

In February March time.

So they can’t check the sent items in emails or their copy of the letter sent for the exact date?!

Joke shop.


2 per cent positive rate on tests. Seems really low.

884 deaths in nursing homes or 54 per cent of all deaths which seems to about the European average.

Tony just said we need to move away from trying to put blame in people and work together instead. How convenient. Maybe he’s worried his mural on Nesbitts will be defaced.

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He avoided the blame on cervical cancer sure lighting strikes twice

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Any breakdown on infections and death rates in private versus public nursing homes?

At the same time though it was/is an absolutely mental time. The key thing is getting to the root of issues which we need to improve as part of the continued response.

If we enter Phase 2.

Ffs sake.

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Did anyone hear the hse fella being interviewed on 6 one news. I missed the start but he appeared to be completely throwing private nursing homes under the bus. More or less said they should all be shut down and people minded at home.

Open it up to fuck Tony

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I get the sense that the nursing home association guy came out laying the blame fairly squarely with the HSE with leaks of his statement last night and they’re pushing back hard.

Didn’t see it but heard HIQA we’re blaming HSE for everything too. That’s high end buck passing right there