Coronavirus - Close the Airports

If private hospitals had not been nationalised and had big outbreaks of Covid 19 in them the lads blaming the government re private nursing homes outbreaks would be queuing up to blame “big business” and their owners

The economic model depends on a certain type/ratio of resident - they make no money if their ratio of high dependency residents is more than about 1 in 20.

Minister Harris is on Prine Time tonight.
Miriam will throw him a few handy questions and he will give a few patronising answer etc

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That puts it to bed. Leo spent more of our money on spin. Back under the bed

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Christ Miriam is useless

Harris is just Teflon. He’s the poster boy for the twitter mob.

How he hasn’t faced any real scrutiny for the national children’s hospital over-run is astonishing. He should have been turfed out on his ear long ago, for that fiasco alone.

A patronising, condescending, falsely earnest, devious cunt of a man.


He’s some cunt. He hasn’t a clue.

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Lads lads lads - don’t be stressing yourselves - Stephen Donnelly will be along shortly to ease your worries


That’s the colonial throwback

Don’t think the French colonised us

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Are you playing a bit of lawn tennis these days mate ?

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I am mate

Mainly with the kids who had lessons today followed by gelato in our local ice cream shop

Best lockdown ever


Lovely stuff. It’s the best way to play tennis.

Hope you and the family keeping well

You too mate

You seem to have a positive attitude on most things so.i imagine all is well

For the most part mate, thanks

fuck him
the so called nursing home owners watched people die before dipping into their rather deep pockets to purchase any form of PPE
what a disgusting cunt


Do they play lawn tennis in France? Is it not all just mud tennis over there?

Why’s that? So they can ramp up the numbers and keep project fear going?