Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Helicopter doing circuits of the peninsula here. At quite a low height. Wonder what’s going on.

police? observing compliance? they do a few laps here every day around lunchtime

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy burning his rubbish again I bet

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You could probably do that for most countries I suspect.
Plausible denial


Not nice. Best of luck to her


B E and F

A and C knowing my luck


I was at least 3 of those before this started


Not bad at all.

If it wasn’t for bastardising thing ripping through nursing homes, we’d be weathering this fairly well.

Need to do more on that front. A lot more.

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108 new cases in China

game over. forget about it lads.

Have Beijing and Shanghai been in lockdown for the past few months or what’s the story?

Club championship gets fairly big crowds. Especially the latter stages.

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Johnny Glynn shook it off in very Johnny Glynn fashion according to today’s Examiner.

All-Ireland winning Galway hurler Johnny Glynn has revealed that he tested positive for coronavirus but has fully recovered without any serious difficulties.

Speaking during a wide-ranging interview on The Long Hall Podcast, Glynn also revealed that his days as a Galway hurler may be over and outlined why New York should be part of a Tier 2 Championship structure.

Glynn caught the virus in New York City where he has been based for the last number of years, working as a project manager with Topline Drywall.

The city has been described as the epicenter of the world’s COVID-19 pandemic, with nearly 5,800 related deaths and 98,715 positive cases reported, according to the latest official figures released Saturday.

Glynn said he didn’t have experience some of the common symptoms associated with the virus like loss of taste, loss of smell, fever or high temperature. Instead he endured one very bad night with body pains, vomiting and diarrhea.

“There was one night I woke up at two in the morning and it felt like someone was after getting a sledge and hitting me in the middle of the back,” he said.

“That was the main symptom I had. I went to go to the toilet and I could barely walk to the toilet. I was fucked.

“It lasted for maybe a half an hour and I was sound again back to bed, slept away,” he added.


There seems to be more symptoms to this than commonly advertised by most Health systems. Or maybe they are more common in healthy younger people affected?

Johnny is a diamond.


Pity he couldn’t shake off Mike Casey