Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Christ, are you trying to insinuate that Glynn is lucky to be alive? Wtf

Boris Johnson was talking yesterday about the NHS being unconquerable, as another c.800 were confirmed dead in UK hospitals. He was almost claiming victory despite being in the throes of the worst of it.

It’s a bit different here with Varadkar and Harris doing their version of under promising and over delivering. I guess in a pandemic it’s better to over promise and under deliver. So you had Varadkar saying on St Patrick’s Day we could have 15k positive tests by end March, Varadkar saying yesterday the worst days were ahead, Harris saying there now we would have had 120k positive tests next Sunday alone etc etc.

That’s nothing in a nation of 200 million trillion people, all of whom spit at each other

Figures for the UK are falling dramatically. Boris has squashed the sombrero.

Spain still have 500 deaths a day and the mad bastards are allowing construction workers and a few more go back to work tomorrow

The NHS is a national religion, as evidenced by the Olympics. Talking about doing things differently is met with heckles and cries of heresy, even though if you go back 20/30 years you’ll have people saying it was being run into the ground. Suggestions to move to a more German style system are decried as well.

You have people here buying into the UK national myth as well, from all political persuasions.

A stocking filler for high summer

Always low on a Monday. No Scottish and hospitals not fully reporting over weekend. tomorrow or probably Wednesday will tell the tale.

Indeed. Last Monday there were 439 confirmed deaths. Tuesday 786 and Wednesday 938.

If this weeks numbers follow the same trend there could be around 1500 deaths confirmed on Wednesday…

Just got a contract tracing call from HSE as I was in close contact with a confirmed case on March 15th. It was a girl I work with. She was test on 23rd March and only got results this morning. Massive increase this week and will taper off once backlog gone

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Deployment taking place now

Up to 100 people given incorrect test results.

A milder version of the 2018 final shits is all he had. If he couldn’t shake off a few half-pint Limerick backs there was no way he was going to shake off the virus after a half hour. One for the TNH thread.

May they rest in peace.



We will have turned the corner by this day week

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Bowers had a go at asking Holohan to share what their model is forecasting for 3 weeks ahead, as opposed to coming back in 3 weeks and giving a retrospective overview and saying what would have happened had they not taken current measures. Holohan spoke for 5 minutes but no direct answer.

He learned that in CBS

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