Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Simon Harris overseeing a testing fuck up. Who would of thunk it?

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100 errors that were identified. Who gives an actual fuck.

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Annoying again.

This thing isn’t going anywhere too quickly.

If we can’t sort testing or find out if someone has been infected previously and is now risk free then I can’t see how relaxed these restrictions can get.

Found out this morning that a Spanish lady a few doors down from us lost her father to this bastard of a thing yesterday. She can’t go back to Spain for the funeral obviously but is also away from all her family.

A few of the women around got organising and by 8 this evening there were a load of tea light candles outside in jam jars and bags of food and home cooking outside the door.

People are great at times.


Holohan was amusing on the 100 errors too. He had two points when questioned on it:

  1. Sure they were the German tests; and
  2. The people were waiting so long for these results that they’re irrelevant because they would have been self isolating for 14 days anyway.

That’s alright then.



Amazing solidarity.

I’ll be three weeks tomorrow waiting for a result

Fair play to the Italians and the Spaniards for reducing the restrictions. Not like they’d thousands of deaths or anything.

They only have 400 deaths a day now, so its grand.

Very sad.

Are they not bothering to tell people if they test negative, similar to not bothering to report people who have recovered? According to the worldometers data, only 25 out of ~10K cases in Ireland have recovered.

They text you a negative and ring with a positive result

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That’s very Irish.

10k cases now. Given that a high proportion of people can be asymptomatic, the lag in testing results and others who may have symptoms but don’t get tested - what do we forecast the actual infection rates are?

My workplace is back open again tomorrow after a 2 week shutdown.

Temperature screening on the way in. If you fail it once you can get checked again after 10 minutes. If you fail a second time then you’re sent home…


Anyone know where I can get a can of deep heat at short notice?


A pharmacy

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A new study from New York on 4,103 patients with Covid-19.
1,999 (48.7%) were hospitalized, of whom 981 or 49% have been released.
445 patients required ventilation, of these 162 died (36%).
62.6% of hospitalizations were male, 39% female, even though the total patient group was 50:50 (man flu?)
Age >75, obesity BMI>40, and prior history of heart failure were the three factors leading to severe outcomes.
54% of hospitalizations were <65, this is in line with other respiratory illnesses, 53-57% of people hospitalized with the flu are <65.
Surprisingly, smoking wasn’t a big factor unlike China studies. cc @Julio_Geordio

Lose weight lads and take up smoking.


Tesco. As far as I know they’ve gotten rid of the deep heat notice period and just hand it out