Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Howth or Dun Laoghaire

That’s Kingstown, just by Teddy’s coming into Glasthule and Sandycove

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Yes was fairly sure it was Kingstown. Thought it might have been at the Purty Kitchen but a google map search told me that wasn’t right.

Paul Moynagh, Professor of Immunology in Maynooth, strongly advocating OIUTF on The Tonight Show.

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What’s he’s saying

Heydon on about all the extra Guards about.

Turn on your laptop now for 3 weeks and you become a guard.

He’s basically reiterated everything I said in a post a day or two ago that attracted “likes” from around 7 posters.

He doesn’t think there’s an ongoing payoff from the lockdown and we should be back in that March 12-27 phase.

Three-month immunity advice for healthcare staff not to be extended to general population

More nonsense based on nothing. What gives a healthcare worker immunity as opposed to joe soap if they both have recovered

Ref kids.

Get the Summer camps going to gauge if there are issues before horsing them all back into schools.

He did say that current measures are best chance to beat or limit damage of a second wave.

You’d imagine something like a cul camp is as safe a way to get kids back together in an outdoor space and see how things are going. They seem to be at zero risk themselves

Was talking to a fella who’s wife works in a nursing home.


She works, comes home and cant leave the house at all. She has to keep a note of anyone and everyone she comes into contact with. Tested regularly. Has to keep the phone with GPS on at all times.

Past week gangs of teenagers are hanging out everywhere with the fine weather.

If this is going to cause issues then we’ll know in a week or so. If you start to see spikes in clusters then this thing is going to take hold again.

If not, they can’t heed relaxing restrictions at the greater pace.

Are all these new cases in meat plants?

Spoke with a guy today and his wife is working in an ICU unit

She drives her car, no one else goes near it.
She sleeps in a separate room. No one goes near it.

They hired an Au Pair in late Feb, she’s Spanish and couldn’t now go home if she wanted apparently. Madrid’s lockdown was draconian but it had to be.

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Dr tony claims there is great compliance will deny the reality if there is no spike, as I expect.

??.. :man_shrugging:

Dunno but it’s a fairly damning indictment of working standards in those plants and their shocking pay.
Pay so poor the immigrants have no choice but to pack out houses way beyond comfortable or humane standards.

Heard a few interesting ones on the meat plants from someone in the HSE.

They got all of their foreign staff to put the company HR person’s phone number down as their contact, so the people themselves would never actually be contacted. The amount of HSE Admin staff fuck ups is, unexpectedly, through the roof, in that they took down wrong names, addresses and phone numbers (down to logging 9 digit phone numbers instead of 10).

Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians.

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Now then. Part time workers to have covid payments reduced to the jobseekers allowance. The 350 for full timers ti be cut out over time.
In other news 55% of people who dont have a car are now considering getting one. (Cc. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) Hopefully they’ll get rid of a few of those pesky bike lanes now.