Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The students on College Road in Cork will only be able to afford going to house parties 4 nights of the week now instead of 7.


I stopped reading at Maynooth.


Were you a seminarian Fagan ???

Professor Philip Nolan, whose 50-strong financial modelling team identify R number movements and have input into lockdown restrictions and pace of easing them, is Maynooth too. :eek:

It’s worrying really.

I’d rather have no education that a Maynooth one, frankly.

Dunphy had some chap on his podcast yesterday from the LIDTF school of thought. While he welcomed debate and criticism of the lockdown he poured scorn on “upstart scientists” who try to dispute known facts. He swatted away the Nobel prize winner’s belief that a second wave was impossible because he was using stats to forecast/predict the future without using known facts about the virus. He believes that a second wave was probably inevitable if masks weren’t mandatory and testing/tracing wasn’t brought back to 72 hours. He said it’s better to get this lockdown correct because a second lockdown would be disasterous economically. He was from Trinity cc @Fagan_ODowd

The whole thing is a scamdemic.

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People will refuse a second lock down, the fun will start then.

Both are achievable

They can’t stop you driving 40km’s really. Pick a point 20km from your house that’s a good excuse. Say Woodies

If you are stopped within 20km of home; where are you going? Woodies.
If stopped within 20km of your destination, then just say you are returning to destination from Woodies.

Tis all a cod anyway, half of Limerick is gone to Clare and Kerry the last two weeks

You’ll be able to fly to Abu Dhabi before you can go 21km

Some sickener for the shops in the likes of liffey valley. They’ll all have to try open back doors thru the store rooms into the open air

5 deaths 38 new cases.

Alan Kelly on Yates was very OIUTF there. Reckons we are sitting on a non-COVID health time bomb with everything else being deferred.

Also wondered why government were making proposals to the junta and not the other way around.

He spoke sense

That’s how dictatorships work

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