Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Sweden’s real case numbers have fallen. Look at their hospital stats.

Back that up

Population density from roughly looking at the data seems a major factor.

Self Isolation taken seriously seems the only deterrent for this.

Population density is obviously a major factor in the spread of an infectious disease.


There is no way of keeping it out, early detection the only way to live with it.

It’s a cash cow for some tech company who can get a method to market.

Is Trump saying they have a vaccine?

He says that every week. He’s an idiot. I used to think there was some method to his madness but it’s more obvious as time goes on he’s actually a complete simpleton.


I have before with you, and you ignored it.

You went on about new cases and active cases, the latter when it was clearly obvious that recovered cases weren’t being reported promptly and it was not a worthwhile stat. They didn’t test much, so of course their new cases numbers will be high when they only just start broadening that out. Based on the peak of that ICU chart they peaked in April for new infections.

It is certainly interesting that cases have not seemed to have dropped in Sweden as quickly as other countries in lockdowns. But it isn’t true to say their cases numbers haven’t fallen, in reality they have.

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Daily new cases.

So your logic is they’re testing more, so that’s why the numbers have gone up, but the actual cases are gone down? Is that what you’re saying?

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Naive how? Go on tease it out

Virus here in Jan/Feb.

Amazingly no bump in Nursing Home deaths or ICU numbers.

You still continue to trot the line out.

The Oxford University/Astra Zeneca team seem pretty bullish on both their vaccine and drug treatment being ready to be approved by mid September/October time.

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I’ve only really been looking at the new cases graphs on Wikipedia, which may well be inaccurate, or subject to a lag. But they seem to suggest they had their highest single day increase as recent as last Tuesday.

Christ Esteban, I said real cases.

You accept that when you limit tests, you won’t find them right? You also accept that hospitalisations will follow infections…no?

Sweden tested only those going into hospital weeks ago. You can argue that’s a failing, absolutely, but don’t but your head in the sand on the reality of the limitations of the data.

You can’t trust numbers unless they come from Tim apparently

So the 1000 odd cases from Tuesday, none of them will end up in hospital?

As I said. Look at hospitalisation and ICUs, the curve has clearly fallen.

And here’s an article on them closing their field hospital then built, with a continued decline in ICU cases.

Hospitalisations will follow true infections. Sweden really under-tested their population.

I can accept if you don’t agree with the Swedish strategy. I can accept if you say it isn’t falling as quickly as in other countries (it does not appear to be- it looks quite like the U.K. interestingly enough). But it isn’t right to say it is growing faster than ever.

Where did I say that? Christ.

You’re arguing the case numbers are dropping just after they recorded their highest number of cases in a week.

Tegnell has admitted they made mistakes.

Yes, because I can read the data.

I imagine the Swedes have just closed down the field hospital just for the laugh.

Very arrogant but anyway.

Like I said weeks ago. Sweden would be stuck with the virus longer than countries that locked down months ago. They can’t go back and they can’t go forward. They are on a train track now.

The population has done a really remarkable job to keep the deaths low. They must really follow guidelines and it’s a credit to them