Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m deadly serious.
It’s followed the same pattern in every country.
I’m not saying it’s “just” a flu, I’m saying its behaving in a similar way in terms of life span.

What have you to counter that?


I’ve heard a few times now that it’s not in the community anymore. In real terms people went out on Saturday. The wife was saying that when she went into Lidl on Saturday to do the shopping there were plenth of elderly people knocking around the store. I’m back to work tomorrow and received enough ppe from work there yesterday that I could set up a mini covid ward outside each fucking store.

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Countries that didnt make serious efforts to stop the initial spread are finding it’s talking longer to get rid of it.

It will interesting to compare the spread of time the deaths occurred over in the various countries

Gaa games could be a huge issue in October if they go ahead. Lads (myself included) will be mad for road and you’ll get huge crowds

You got an awful dunt on the head at some stage of your career it seems.

No matches in August or September? Sorry, forgot you don’t have a club to follow. Like a Munster rugby supporter​:grinning::grinning::grinning:

Sweden recorded their biggest daily amount of cases last week. They started recording cases around the same time as us.

Their approach is about a slow spread rather than suppression.

The fact it’s still growing there would suggest the seasonal 8-10 week thing could be wrong.

It looks like the lockdown, then reemergence with strict social guidelines is keeping it contained almost everywhere

Occupational hazard for the rubby lads

He seems more dense than normal though.

Evidence clearly suggests that lockdown works but key question still remains as to whether once you’ve had & beaten it can we still contract & spread it again.

I think live will go on regardless of a second or third wave, I think with proper planning and early recognition of clusters then lockdown could be policed in those isolated areas if possible.
That in theory can’t work unless we have a real plan for early detection in place.

Track and trace is the key from here on out.

At least 3 experts on here have said lockdown makes no difference. I don’t know who to quote at the water cooler tomorrow.

Has immunity still not been clinically proven? Sorry but I haven’t been paying as much attention lately to it

Why do you think it has petered out? What about the places where it hasn’t petered out?

Were Trump and Boris two of them?

Because of lockdown and social distancing.
It follows the same general trend but the countries that didnt fully lockdown or take it seriously are going to be longer getting out of it because of how widespread it is in the community.

It would be interesting to do a study (and I’d be surprised if it hasn’t been done) on how many people would contract the regular flu without developing any symptoms.

I say your great craic. Insulting people you dont agree with rather than trying to have a discussion.

You are very naive.

Iran’s trajectory was looking good until the start of May and then the case numbers started rising again, and are as high as they ever were.

Europe has been gradually reopening for a few weeks now without any real surge. Sweden & Poland seem to be the two countries where the new case rates haven’t really fallen.

New case rates still surging away in South Asia & South America