Coronavirus - Close the Airports

You can believe that if you like, it’s simplistic and won’t be any use. The visit is already here and doing loads of damage circulating in the country. You want to shut the gate after the horse has bolted.

Who is responsible for controlling borders in Northern Ireland?

Dessie O’Hare

At least 20 of them I’d say. It’s really easy see where we rank in cases and deaths per capita.

I’m sure your backing will be a relief to them. Would you be as quick to back New Zealand’s approach or are you holding off on that?

Mike and Fulvio seem to be the ultimate bed wetters on here.

Fulvio wants borders locked down until a vaccine. :grin:

What good will opening international travel do? Other than vastly increase the chance of the virus spreading.

Are you saying this because you wanted to go to a European gig this summer? Is that what this stance boils down to?

Surely they’re wetting the carpet under the bed?

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I want them strictly controlled.

You were badly found out re the HSE are you’re now fuming.


We should take proper care of our health care workers people in nursing homes and people working in essential services.

That would be the proper response.

have a look at excess deaths here.


Germany has a top class health system.

It won’t.

Obviously but why do you want international travel reopened when it risks those healthcare workers and everyone else?

That’s not true.

The virus was brought into this island by returning tourists.

It doesn’t. You just say it does.

They stopped the virus hitting 80 odd year olds - the people largely affected by it. Ireland locked the children away and let the old have it right in the kisser.

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Would you be quick to back New Zealand in keeping pubs open on St Patrick’s Day and beyond?

The NZ approach is a pipe dream, unless you were talking about it in February and thought other potential variables (seasonality, density) could be treated the same.

You seem to want a magic wand to control this thing, it just isn’t that simple.

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