Coronavirus - Close the Airports



It’s not proven as a fact but it’s supported by most data on contact tracing and stands to reason with what we know about transmission. Someone returning to their family, friends, job etc with the virus has a lot more close contacts than a visitor and will spread it more.

The secondary thing is that at this stage hygiene and social distancing are top of the mind for everyone. So a few months ago people travelling could spread or contract it a lot more easily, that’s not the case now.

Cutting ourselves off will do more harm than good. And on top of that, it’s a fig leaf that gets us thinking the risk is people coming in. It’s not, the risk has been in Ireland and how badly we have managed the pandemic.

You and a few others were championing the Swedish approach for quite a while here. The person who made the calls in Sweden has admitted he would do the same as NZ given a second chance.

What harm?

It will do social and economic harm while doing nothing to protect us.

Wow, so you don’t even seem to be aware of how border control works in Northern Ireland?

Doesn’t bode well for this “plan” of yours.

What social and economic harm.

You do realise the virus entered Ireland via people swanning back from skiing holidays, school tours and the like?

You’re not listening. I’m not taking about internal borders on this island, that was clear in my first post and reiterated since. I’m talking about both governments needing to strictly control entry into this island.

There’s elements I don’t agree with them like testing.

I agree with them on social distancing as a longer term half way house though, much like the WHO.

When did the the Swedish chap say that? In fact he said this

Locking ourselves off from the world will be about as useful as bear patrol.

The damage came from within the country. A simple answer is lock ourselves off cause we’ll be safe cause we’re an island. An effective response is to identify the disgraceful lapses of care in the clusters that have arisen so far and caused so much harm and correct them.

Locking out visitors won’t do anything for nursing homes, health care staff, meat factory workers. It will be a fig leaf and won’t help us. It’s a misdirection. Like blaming foreigners for anything else.


What economic and social damage? Tell me.

Ireland is lucky to be a small island and has all the natural advantages to insulate itself from the virus. We are not gaining control on it so I believe non-essential entry into this island should not happen until the virus has been well and truly pummeled.

hang on now. The damage came from an infectious disease that is spreading across the globe.


Yes, border control means people coming in and out of both entities.

You keep saying “both Governments”, but who are they?

It hit every country. We didn’t manage it as well as most of the EU. That is on us, not on visitors. The problem is within the country.

Stopping tourism won’t do economic damage? Interesting

Stopping people going to see loved ones abroad, going for funerals etc, won’t cause social damage?

Also, this nonsense that other countries are relaxing their quarantine on entry should have a caveat

they are, from within the EU or in Germany’s case if the country of origin has the virus under control

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany will loosen coronavirus quarantine rules for travellers arriving from the European Union, the Schengen passport-free zone and Britain, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry said on Friday.

Authorities will only recommend travellers go into quarantine if they arrive from countries with elevated numbers of infections, he said at a regular news conference.

A mandatory two-week quarantine still applies for travellers from countries outside the EU, the spokesman said.

There are two ways to enter Ireland. Air or sea, airports and ports. Both governments should strictly control entry via these avenues, it’s very straightforward but you’re doing even more ostriching to protect FG.

Poor @mikehunt is a bag of nerves that coronavirus will get him. He has decried any expert opinion that isn’t a doomsday scenario or pessimistic in the extreme.

The scientific facts now show that 40%-60% of people who have not been exposed to coronavirus have resistance at the T-cell level from other similar coronaviruses like the common cold.

“NO! NO! NO! We’re all going to DIE!”

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based on what Glas?
Which EU countries have done a better job than us?

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