Coronavirus - Close the Airports

It doesn’t increase the risk. The risk is within Ireland. Most of Europe is better at this than we are. If anything, having open travel with countries that are mostly safer than us makes us more safe.

Not what you said. Wrong again.

I don’t see anything exclusive there. The first confirmed cases were from people returning from Northern Italy.


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Except that it isn’t a proven fact. It came back from multiple locations.

When are you going to get the heads together to sort out border control?

I think he wants to go to a gig in Europe this year so is adamant it’s opened up, whatever the cost.

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The first confirmed cases were related to travel from Northern Italy. The doctor in Clare and the woman in Belfast.

You has those apes coming back from Cheltenham and 20k fuckwads flying home from Spain at the absolute peak of this in Europe. It was absolutely crazy, mental stuff.

You are more likely to have it than a person in most of the EU. Therefore, a person coming here from the rest of EU lowers the odds of infection in Ireland. Maths.

*Countries that have opened travel have specially excluded the most unsafe countries, so we’re not talking about people coming from Spain.

That’s up there with the stupidest things I’ve read on here


And you want to go off and spread it in Europe so?

It’s a simple fact. The risk in Ireland is greater than in most of Europe. We need to control the risk in Ireland.

You need to read his posts more often then. Actually, don’t bother.

So you want us to head off to Europe to spread it in countries not as badly impacted?

Did you uncover the reason for the hundreds of thousands of extra deaths that weren’t caused by Corona virus yet captain space cadet?

Is that why you want travel controls? To protect other countries? You accept that it won’t protect us then?

And you want to do that by adding in a load of extra people moving around freely at busy tourist attractions, in a place you claim isn’t safe?

Sound logic

Yes, princess. The vast majority of them were due to old age and underlying medical conditions.

I want travel controls to reduce the spread.

It’s about containment, localise the problem, eliminate it and then protect yourself from reinfection. It’s time to rely on the domestic economy and not profiteering large MNCs.

Low fare international travel is killing the planet.

Keep the tinfoil hat on and you’ll be safe.

There is a very difference between what you said there and not cutting yourself off from the rest of the EU.