Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Hold the line lads - this still has a bit to go.


Why would you? Surely you could head away and come back, or just pick up the bits somewhere else less busy?

Some lads are shtone mad for queues

Hopefully most businesses won’t waste too much money on any permanent infrastructure and just do a bit of crowd management to keep up the charade until things fully get back to normal towards the end of July or start of August. Most pubs and restaurants won’t reopen under the current “guidelines” so either they’ll row back on the 2m rule before the end of the month or else the start of July when there’s only a handful of them open and the gubberment start asking why businesses aren’t opening with vastly increased costs and government mandated decimated customers numbers.


This WHO crowd have been as useful as a chocolate teapot recently. Just stating bloody obvious.

‘People are more likely to wear masks if they are provided for free’.


Tomas Ryan was on Dunphy’s podcast this morning still seething from his clash last night with “Ivan Cooper” as Dunphy called him.

Tomas wants another 6 week lockdown to drive the virus out of the country altogether and then screen everyone coming into the country. Once that is done you can open everything back up as normal and not as the “new normal”.

Sounds a much better idea to be fair.

There really should be a focus now on taking the virus out of the island and then strictly regulating entry onto the island.

He’s right about screening people coming into country.

the real scandal is about to start


Has been call out here for weeks. Dr tony has form for cover ups. The perfect man for the job

I’d say Dr Tony was straight down to Woodies when it reopened for a big tub of white wash.

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I had my first take away coffee (from the Art of Coffee) in 3 months today. It’s good to be back.

Why didn’t you say it’s good to be black? Why don’t you like black coffee?

I had a Cappa choo choo. Large.

Jesus you were very drunk that night

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I stand over it all

8 deaths and 8 new cases.

7 & 7 tomorrow

Surely the Galway Races will be open to the public now?


I’d say you’re totally wrong. Have you been following the news story about the Corona virus?