Coronavirus - Close the Airports

All over the 29th of June by the looks of it. Bar concerts and games everything else will be open

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Ivan Yates and the the tfk mindset ahead of the curve. Well done all. I’m.expectimg simple Simon to tweet congrats to us


I won’t relent until 80k of us are coughing and spluttering all over each other in Croke Park before the end of the year


Proper order. The lockdown and extreme measures it brought were justified to give the health service a chance, not to eradicate the virus. The health service needs to clear its other backlog now.

Treat people like adults and let them take whatever precautions they feel are necessary from here on out


2 all irelands in 3 years would be worth two weeks out sick from work, maybe a few extra days due to the coronavirus

3 weeks of lockdown was sufficient. Once they announced the R0 was less than 0.7 in mid april we had it beat

Where did you see this?

Will a few lads take the plunge now and stick the head out from under the bed? Chance it for 5 minutes even?

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Give them a ffp3 mask first.

Well done for sticking to the plan. As I’ve been saying, it’s over now.

All credit to @Julio_Geordio especially who called out this nonsense early doors :+1: a worthy candidate for poster of the year.

It’s just a fact. Every business is getting plans in place to get themselves brought forward to the next deadline. Pubs will be there soon too.

It was only myself and Gemma O’Doherty that stood between us and a police state at one stage.


I’m phoning the missus’ office as we speak to make sure they’re ready for it. Can’t afford to waste a day


Theres a lot of businesses investing in getting “Covid ready” for opening up on june 29th. I know theres a lot of discussion about pubs on that tread but is there any point in putting this investment in? A lot of money for small businesses for something that may not be needed in 2/3 months time.

This is the big thing.
If I was a business that was managing to work successfully remotely I’d nearly tell staff hold tough from home for another month and see how things pan out.

Agreed we are WFH 3 months now and won’t be back anytime soon I would expect a wait and see approach will be taken rather than investing in a working environment that may not be fit for purpose in a few months time.

@Copper_pipe did Whelans in NCW do a big fit out while closed to put in booths, screens etc?

Agreed wfh going forward would suit alot of businesses, cheaper rent for office etc. But I’m thinking around hairdressers, clothes shops beauty salons, where people will be all sketchy for a few weeks before we go back to normal. People are fully in mindset of this “new normal” (that phase gives me eyre) and will have to install all this crap, reduce overall space. Hopefully in a few weeks we can go back to normal queues. I’m tolerant of them as I’m aware some people are frightened of their lives to be near people but I’m not standing outside aldi for 15 mins to do a 5 min shop in the pissimg october rain

Which is what the govt are doing.