Coronavirus - Close the Airports

They made an absolute mess of that. Obviously they were worried about a shortage of masks so they were so reluctant to recommend them and then Harris jumped very quickly to a frowning attitude to people who weren’t wearing them but they hadn’t given enough time to get the message out that they changed their minds. Largely because they didn’t want to say they changed their minds so they were pretending the message was the same. But listen carefully because it might be the opposite of what you thought the message was.


I’ve been doing this for 6 weeks — the mrs thinks i’m wearing it when i’m doing our weekly shop , despite me telling her 500 times that it’s a one big fucking cod. I know a manager in the local Dunnes and not one member of staff contracted the virus - yet they want me to walk around like a cunt with a mask on.


Interval politics by Harris.

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People of colour are more susceptible to the Chinese virus, maybe they’re only looking out for you?

That’s to do with deficiency in vitamin D – I’ve been taking a vit D supplement from the get go.

You could also walk your dog.

I maybe wrong but I haven’t heard of one supermarket nationwide that had to close because of a virus outbreak despite them being the only places we could go and interact with fellow humans for 2 months. The whole thing was a cod @Julio_Geordio @Tassotti


Super valu Athy was shut for a while

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The last time i tried that I got attacked by half the forum …

How has Sweden let me down? Are you one of those that thinks this is over :joy: Long way to go yet before we can draw any conclusions.

The same half that were marching shoulder to shoulder on behalf of oppressed black men in the US?

No - the half that were under their bed for 6 weeks.

Are they not the same people who emerged from under the bed to sacrifice the elderly in the name of George Floyd? It’s very confusing.

I’ve no idea - there’s too many fronts to keep track of.

I’'m not wearing a mask anywhere, end of.

The hysteria over this bit of flu is complete madness.


The mother of all cods. And then some


Ticks a lot of boxes in fairness.

The new normal, for miserable gullible cunts


Might as well get masks sewn onto their faces.

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