Coronavirus - Close the Airports

An improvement for most of them i’d say

Supermarkets were the super spreaders

The craic is going to start now, there will be riots when the job losses start hitting home

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That’s the first time I have ever seen the words Super and Athy in the same sentence


Another 200 jobs gone here

hold the line

It’s done lads. Get busy living.

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I suppose @Bandage couldn’t keep it going on his own

Seemingly a worker in a Tescos Meath tested positive, took a day or two off and decided to go back into work 2 days later. Shut the whole store down when they found out.

He tried his best in fairness. Sad to see all the same. Irish owned company. There’ll be lots more to go in next few months

A hitherto unknown side effect of the virus :eek:


Owned the franchise. Mothercare uk gone since last year. Had awful trouble trying to get a replacement for a broken toy set just after Christmas.

Haha, typo “I hope”.

Another TFK expert :grinning: :grinning:

The only ones that think this is over are the usual few loons who think it’s all a cod. You put all your chips on the Swedish approach and even Tegenll is backtracking.

“If we were to encounter the same illness with the same knowledge that we have today, I think our response would land somewhere in between what Sweden did and what the rest of the world has done,” Anders Tegnell said in an interview with Swedish Radio.

Unknown? Sure that’s the same complaint Johnny Glynn had.

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Back under the bed lad. We’ll let you know when’s it’s safe

We tried to warn them.

General Videla, supported by Generals Galtieri & Saint-Jean, lecturing the public about non-compliance with the wearing of the facemasks they told us not to wear before.

We are at war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with Eurasia.

Viva la junta!

Hold the line … There’s people still dying.