Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’ve heard rumours about people coming from Bulgaria/Romania for fruit picking, but as far as I know that’s not true

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Sure the Chinese wear masks on their best days


43 deaths

Fatality rate of 0.37% according to one German study. Less than a bad strain of flu, but nowhere near as many people get the flu.
Germany also wasn’t overwhelmed, which presumably makes a big difference

Similar growth rate the last few days.

I wonder are the Irish labs testing any of the backlog as well? Going by those German numbers, the backlog is almost through anyway.

RIP to each and every one of them but you’d have to say that we’ve done really well so far, tough times ahead on many fronts but we’ll done us


Have we reached the top on new cases?

Which begs the question that by cocooning at risk groups can you drive that lower.

It would seem that it would take too long to set it through the population in a controlled manner with R so high unmitigated.

Will be interesting what kind of true number the Swedes or Asian numbers find once antibody tests are rolled out.

Not quite yet, but I would hope that we are a matter of days away.

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290 admissions to ICU.

156 remain in ICU.

90 people have been discharged.

44 deaths of those in ICU

238 of those have an identified unerlying condition.

We have likely reached that I’d say. If you allocated some of that German backlog to the “correct” date then you’d probably have 600+ cases for a few days. Also not clear if the Irish lab tests are clearing backlog.

Given their confidence on R, I’d say our growth rate is really below the 5% or so we’re seeing daily.

ICU down again?

Think so yeah.

253 deaths confirmed in nursing homes.

Here’s the modeller chap to show us what they have observed (past tense).

Think that’s 3 days in a row so. Deaths sadly will play a role but it appears that we’re well within capacity.

Ooofffttt. He might show a future projection here, judging by the amount of general modelling caveats he’s explaining.