Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The UK is conducting this experiment for us at the minute so we can wait and see the results I guess

Now is the time for cool heads, stay on top and extend the lock down for another couple of weeks if needs be, resilience is the key to beating this cunt of a thing.


What’s his beef with Wexicans?

Keelings have posted a statement on their website but the site has crashed!

This is great data which actually has tests from when they were taken as opposed to when they were reported. Curves are flattering

The mortality rate of the flu is roughly 0.1%, but varies a lot from year to year depending on the strains in circulation. Like all respiratory diseases including COVID-19, there is a big difference by age group, among children the mortality rate is 0.01%, and above 65 it’s 0.8%. I think we can safely say the mortality rate for COVID-19 is higher than the flu, especially among the elderly.

We’re on the back 9 lads as long as we dont have a rory McIlroy implosion green jackets and pints are coming

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They were never on a Ryanair flight to Dublin, possibly UK alright.

To yourself and any of the other teachers here when do you see schools reopening? And under what conditions? Saw a discussion on twitter earlier with staggered times and children only coming in two days a week being mentioned.

Don’t forget the tricolour

Sorry yes, that should have read it’s less than a “bad” flu.

Ole ole ole ireland beat coronavirus at the world cup

Sister is a teacher and she said that was mentioned but she reckons they may get LC in for two weeks but no other kids

Was listening to Eamon Dunphys podcast (I know I know) and guest was saying that reducing it from 1.1 to 1.0 can make a huge difference. He was referring to explanation Angela Merkel gave at a press conference,

This sounds hopeful

Compulsory masks here and the Minister of Health says they have to be worn until there is a vaccine.

Are they specially designed to fit square heads?

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a small price to pay

Especially on a woman.


Up your game son