Coronavirus - Close the Airports

FF won’t exist in 15 years.


I’ll take this one.

No, cos anyone who votes FF/FG and think tax payers money will be spent well are dumb stupid fuckwits.

That was a point made that you suggested was a good legitimate one. Do you stand over it?

But thats their own taxes? They don’t have a right to say where their taxes should be spent?

Even in the middle of a crisis that will damage the economy for years, morons still seem to want CHANGE. But no idea how to finance it, or what it will look like.

does anyone have a real proposal to reform the health service? Copy an authoritarian communist regime the only one put forward so far.

Meet Mr. Fog, one of Fine Gael’s dedicated army of keyboard warriors debasing public debate in the only way he knows how - abusing people.

Voting FFG and being capable of making an informed decision on how your tax should be spent are mutually exclusive.

Lenmy is brown bread

This in theory should be easy enough to measure. Infant mortality rates and life expectancy should give a good indication of where a countries health device is at. Hang on and I’ll try dig out where we rank globally on both.


You’re a great man for highlighting lies by government detractors. I’m sure we can count on you to highlight blatant lies by FFG politicians too?

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Why don’t you go and do a bit of leg work this afternoon?

He’s a pathological liar.

As usual, no direct answer to a simple yes/no question.

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I got my vote in quick.

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Mate, you might want to look in the mirror

Paddy likes all poles of attention .

He’s going full Jim Corr.