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Whataboutery and “I know you are but what am I” arguments are tiresome, bring something to the table beyond doffing the cap to the likes of Mick Wallace and Paddy Cosgrave because they try and be a bit edgy.

Whataboutery is all you do Tim.

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Tim is happy for FG to cover up murders.

Then just before dawn at the breaking of the sky
The stranger returned and said now I must fly
When two thousand years of your time has gone by
This song will appear once again
To a baby’s cry

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Tim hates Mick Wallace cos a lad without a suit out-manouevred a few Ministers for Justice and a couple of Garda Commissioners. He tries to hide his hatred behind an unpaid VAT bill.


Tim gets upset over unpaid tax bills?

Ruh roohh

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i worked for Gilead 18 months. wankers to work for

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He’s very selective about who he holds to account. Accusing people of bullying poor Regina but nothing about Regina using the powers of the state to try and intimidate someone with an opinion she doesn’t like.

What does 2017 have to do with this thread?”

Making a complaint to AGS is part and parcel of our democracy.

Did she win more money than claire daly did that time she was ‘wrongfully arrested’ :laughing: or maybe she just exaggerated the whole thing to create a bit of imagined victim hood. One of the lefts favourite cards

Paddy could do with fucking off for himself.


Just highlighting your double standards Tim. You hold people to different standards depending on how well they are dressed.

Paddy is a cunt. Burnt a load of creditors when the web summit was in Dublin. Loads of Actors and musicians. Got them to perform in the evenings for entertainment and never paid them a cent. He’s a cunt.

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Are you saying Claire Daly wasn’t wrongfully arrested?

A face like hers cant be legal anyway.

Absolutely, an illegal turn with a few drinks on her, the wrong was her getting away scot free. Of course im in the right there, if she was found to be wrongfully arrested as she claimed shed be singing about it since

Arrested for an illegal turn? :grinning: :grinning:

He’s a hero to many though because he “gives it to the man”.

No for having a few drinks on her, did you not bother reading that part.

But anyway how many millions did she get in a settlement off the police state?

Well do you want to set up a thread on Regina Doherty’s financial affairs and the rights and wrongs of resorting to AGS?

There were plenty of avenues for you to go down criticising the Govt on public health or Covid on here, but you bizarrely went to the well on that one.