Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Harris hasn’t a breeze what his plan is. He’s going to watch what everyone else does and see how it goes. He’ll then gauge the prevailing winds of public opinion and go along with that.
At the moment opinion is “lock it down” but after other countries exit and if the sky doesn’t cave in it’ll be “open it up” in a matter of weeks. I think we’ll be much closer to the later than the former at the end of this current period.
A lot can and will happen in the next two weeks.


Yeah I think the government are very much in “wait and see what happens to everyone else first” mode. Then try and copy what works and what doesn’t.

And look it’s a fair enough strategy. But sweeping statements about how things will be in a few months time when they haven’t a breeze what they are going to do in a few weeks is a bit pointless.

The vaccine solution could be a complete pipe dream

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Is it possible that a vaccine may never be found for this?

I think its a strategy to keep morale up, they might change dates of relaxing measures, push them back etc but people can become fairly despondent if just left in limbo with no end in sight. Copying best norms is a great line politically anyway, can always pass the buck if it doesn’t work out.

Some people just cant resist a microphone

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39 deaths

445 new cases

Additional 48 from the March backlog

Yes. And the question of developing antibodies or not after recovering is also vital

So do we lockdown forever?

We don’t know. That is why the clever thing now is to see a few other European countries open up and guinea pig it for the rest.

This Paul Reid chap from the HSE is a very poor public speaker and communicator.


Life will eventually go on if that’s the case

Never found one for sars in the end. If they did this would have blown over months ago

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So how long do we wait?

My understanding of this lockdown was that it was to “flatten the curve” and buy us time so our ICU wasn’t overflowing. That appears to have been a success.

I think we now need to look at opening things up. Obviously gradually and, if need be, we can reverse any move that moves us backwards

This bit about a potential vaccine that I took from the New York Times article on the US/UK thread is a bit worrying and shows the necessity of not cutting corners in the vaccine development process.

Also, for unclear reasons, some previous vaccine candidates against coronaviruses like SARS have triggered “antibody-dependent enhancement,” which makes recipients more susceptible to infection, rather than less. In the past, vaccines against H.I.V. and dengue have unexpectedly done the same.

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We need to stay indoors until scientists come up with a cure for mortality


Apparently SARS died out because it was too deadly. It had a 15% mortality rate and 55% with those 60 or over. It was killing too many hosts it infected before they could pass it on and it pretty much died out after 8 months.

I think they had some form of vaccine available by the end of the outbreak but it wasn’t needed by then.


From May 5th, back to the restrictions for the first week. Open up some shops like hardware, etc. and open construction sites. Remove the travel restrictions. Offices should start opening up again, half the staff in 1 week, the other half the following week. Provide masks to everyone to mitigate some spreading. Anyone over 70 continue to cocoon unfortunately. Assess again in 2 to 3 weeks and provided deaths haven’t spiked hugely then open up a little bit more.

The curve has been flattened, ICU capacity has been increased, there’s more PPE. The world has to start to get back to some sort of normality. Unfortunately I don’t think our government will have the balls to do any of these things but I hope I’m wrong.


You’re right as ever. I was out earlier and a couple walked up the road holding takeaway coffee cups. It dawned on me that I haven’t had a barista made coffee in 6 weeks. Open it up ta fuck.


i can’t remember the last time i had a latte