Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I went our for a walk with an Insomina coffee cup full of wine yesterday evening and “accidentally bumped” into a dear friend who also had a beverage and we had a lovely socially distant walk and chat until the rain made us go our separate ways.

I tell you one thing though, I’ll do it again. This week in fact.


Keep cup of white wine in your fitness wear, they’ll be none the wiser.

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Jaysus, twas great though

Young mans game now.

Those young lads would rather drink at a house before going out though regardless and spend their night hoovering chatting powder.

Call a spade a spade here, pubs were a dying breed before COVID19 arrived.

( Rural pubs will actually survive this )

Does the population have the balls for it? People will die. That needs to be understood and accepted.

#freegaffs types will shriek either way

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The goal for some is to have enough cans at home so that one drink in a nightclub will tip you over the age :joy:


Can’t blame lads, a heavy drinking habit is a fucking expensive habit.

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The population seems to be split between people who this crisis hasn’t impacted too badly economically and those who have been partially or completely destroyed economically. Someone still getting paid their full wage and working from home is going to have a very different perspective than someone who owns or who works for a small business.

That’s what’s somewhat driving the protests in some US states. People who have lost their business or their jobs think the shutdown was too draconian, given that many areas are fairly rural and social distancing may have been enough. We’ll see how things unfold.


Anybody not affected economically yet would have to be very naive to think this can go on indefinitely without affecting them. Even a public servant must know their wages depend on there being an economy.


The world will end before the public sector will accept a pay cut.

Don’t be entertaining him

Entertaining anybody isn’t something you’ve ever done.

Wexford should open up. Very little of it around.

Hold the line ye bastards

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Ah yeah.

From what I’ve learned the last few days half of Wexford’s population is Eastern European’s in strawberry gulags and the other half is Dubs on holidays. #freewexford #wexfordforwexicans


We export lads like @Bandage. For obvious reasons. Best stock is kept at home.


I like it horsebox. First man I’ve seen with a plan here.

How do you explain @Mac?