Coronavirus - Close the Airports

We have an open economy and need international business travellers to have easy access to come and go as they please

49 deaths

631 cases

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Dr O Groundog

These daily briefings are getting a bit tiresome and pointless at this stage. The same questions being asked day after day. “Are you worried about a second surge if restrictions are lifted?”

Just throw out the daily figures and hold a weekly or twice weekly press briefing.


Fast forward to the 1 minute and 8 seconds to hear the dumbest thing many of us will ever hear.


Biggest spoofer in The Dail. Brass neck and a snake oil salesman routine will get you far.


It strikes me as a complete waste of time. I’m extremely worried are cases numbers are so high and think it means more of a lock down.

Dear Lord

That has to be a fake surely?

I’m getting sick of the journalists not asking different questions specifics to the experts brought on. Tonight your one went through different types of tests. No questions. 3 weeks after shit PPE delivered from China they finally ask about the QA checks on it tonight. Again to points above same questions every night

Not only does he not know his brief but he showed a remarkable ability to concoct a load of mumbo jumbo based on nothing. This kind of typifies his remarkable gifted ability to spoof but only this time 99.9% of the population would have known he was talking bullshit.

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What he should have said, which would have been accurate, is that there are six other coronaviruses that infect humans, and we have not developed a vaccine for any of them. Where he got the connection to 19 is quite mysterious, must have made it up from jumbled thoughts in his head.


Simon! Simon! Simon!

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It’s a fair achievement when Eoghan McDermott is the least irritating party in any conversation.


That’s why I said fast forward to 1 min and whatever seconds as I knew when people heard him they would have most likely turned it off.


Sure the man couldn’t finish an arts degree. What would you expect

That he wouldnt be minister for health.

He’s there because no one in their right mind would do it. I don’t envy him the job

This is up there with the Wicklow politician who was worried about feeding the gondolas on Blessington lakes except there wasn’t people dying on his watch

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