Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Hes there because he backed Coveny in the leadership election and pissed Leo off

Haha. The great Simon Harris made a right tit of himself there.


he’s a waffler

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We’re in safe hands.

I’m sorry but anybody hammering him here Is an idiot or just hates him. The man must be wrecked. We all make mistakes When we are tired. I had no idea the virus wasn’t the 19th one until now. Give over. These are unprecedented times.

He needs to be kept away from microphones for a while, he’s making a holy show of himself and jeoprodizing the goodwill of the public

I’m mystified as to why they waste time answering questions to the media anyway. Surely it could be spent better? Dr Tony is wasting Two hours a day answering the same crap.

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What’s clear is he is uneducated and unqualified for the role he is in. He is coached to within an inch of his life and when he has to think for himself he lands himself in it. Since his well received comments about his dialogue with the Easter Bunny he has been a rambling mess. People who think he is doing a great job, the HSE consultants and advisory group thank you.


Anyone who’s been near a hospital in the last few years knows he hasn’t done a good job

He’s in over his head. Pascal and Leo have been calm fortright and measured for the most part, Harris is not up to it

Pascal O Donnoghue has performed well alright.

Dr Tomas Ryan with an interesting albeit risky strategy on Matt Cooper tonight. 4 days of normality followed by 10 day lockdown.

I’ve been very surprised, he’s smart, capable and clearly gives a fuck. Harris just wants to play politician and be on the telly

I was thinking a week on, week off system myself for a month or so

Basically build herd immunity that way?

Is harris still in a job? Youd have to wonder what leo keeps him around for.

Ya. It’s the only way forward. Let it spread but not overwhelm the health system. Or else let all the kids in primary school back at it and keep everything else locked down for a few weeks, let them act as spreaders while isolating everyone else and taking precautions obviously, like kids living with infirm parents or their grandparents staying at home

So as he can have a fall guy.

The approach to this has been a gigantic PR exercise with more emphasis on spin than substance.

The journalists need to be asking proper questions.

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Innocent enough then.