Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

No. Do not travel to work unless it is essential to do so and you can’t work from home. Non essential retailers closed

No outside, only shops and pharmacy
Everything else shut.

A distance?

Only to work.

No non essential work. As in pharmacy and shops and obviously health care workers

We lost this badly when selfish Cheltenham cunts wouldn’t make grown-up decisions so they could have a few pints and get rejected by tan women. A further lockdown is too late when the blueshirts already left the initial school shutdown and public gatherings to the last minute.

But aye as long as we’re following South Korea we’re sound.

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Outside of going to the shop or chemist, I’ve been in 5 people’s company in the last 10 days, 3 of them in different times outside in a park standing about 10 feet apart. More or less lockdown. A lot of people are the same I’d say, just who they live with and some safe outdoor social contact. That would be enough to slow this thing down but unfortunately a full lockdown will be required because a lot of people are thick as shit, don’t fully understand this yet or just bad minded. I don’t think now is the time for that yet but just an opinion based on next to fuck all knowledge of these things.

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List the essential work then. More mish mash. He needs to get out of this with his job. The courts are open tomorrow. Essential?

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Surr they’ll probably have to let out a good shot of prisoners, not let more in

This is the 4 points. Lots of wiggle on the work one

Not being in groups is the big one needed here


A lot of posters egos will be bruised when it emerges they are anything but essential


Thank you.

Lock the place down. Leave the wankers in Rathkeale poison each other to death though.

Meant to be vague as always. He needs a few of us out there spreading. Hopefully your ones vape shop is deemed essential

A no show today. 15 in the school. We then sent 2 home who’d symptoms. A lot less than what was expected. A lot of people didn’t show up

There is no SFFFFG. There is Ireland.

I believe in Ireland.

Even the unionists believe in Ireland at this stage

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Bressie and Kathryn Thomas on Claire Byrne Live tonight

More cases in Iceland than there is in Russia??!? Putin is coding no one