Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Has Boris actually invoked any laws or how is his lockdown going to be policed/enforced?

It seemed like dramatic language which on closer inspection amounted to a desperate plea


Weā€™re surely leading them on a merry dance.

Sure Arlene is turned inside out at this stage trying to anticipate how London will jump next

Softly softly for initial day or two but laws are coming before end of week

How often would all those beds have been full here 90%+

The cuts to UK police numbers over the last decade will not help in terms of enforcement anyway.

96% of the time on average apparently. Higher occupancy than an airport hotel

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We donā€™t know that. Over reacting now and fatiguing people before a possible second wave could be damaging 12 months down the line.

Under reacting is absolutely the worst case scenario, but i donā€™t think weā€™ve been remotely close to under reacting. We may have reacted a bit late early on.

Iā€™m sure Boris is hoping for some self policing.

The motorbike was magic this morning. Dry roads and nowt on them.
These are strange strange times. Its unsettling, quite deeply.

Well acting late is a form of under reaction. I donā€™t think anybody would say the UK hasnā€™t under reacted. They have. What theyā€™ve done tonight, while needed, doesnā€™t change the fact that theyā€™ve under reacted over the course of the crisis.

No mention of Brexit from the uucoam these days.


Bojo has done nothing. Carry on to work about 30% of you. Itā€™s herd immunity


What do lads realistically think will be more lockdowny about a full lockdown than what we have now?

You under house arrest from tomorrow flatty?

Nail peopleā€™s doors shut as in China.

Because most will be at work tomorrow. Ih except for shops that had just been closed by there owners anyway.

Non essential businesses ordered to close (work from home) I think is the essential difference

Welded the fuckets in

Nah, heā€™s given everyone a loophole. Iā€™ll go for a run in the morning, and Iā€™ll go to work then. Have a meeting at 930. No coffee anywhere is a bollox though.

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