Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Capable of standing beside leo and looking gormless.
Also capable of ruthlessly seizing an opportunity
After that, nobody knows.

I am not sure but would give her the benefit of doubt

Looks a bit anorexic to me.

Sarah likes a long winded question

Fucking cooper is some plank. Kevin Doyle had a bit of a head up about whatā€™s going down tomorrow and cooper cuts him off.
Stupid fuck

Give him a break, if he goes 30 seconds without hearing his own voice he goes into anaphylactic shock.

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Iā€™m just saying the same here to herself. He canā€™t say it but itā€™s what there doing. The housing minister has confirmed construction sites can stay open with social distancing. The builders wiil save you. I canā€™t quite remember who said it but not all superheroes wear capes.

Was that Verona Murphy who said the beaches in Wexford yesterday were like the ā€œJuly Bank Holiday Weekendā€?

tenor (2)

Micro Snots :unamused:

Agreed, rising star maybe 2 years ago, went off radar for a while. Bit of a try hard

Did she not drop a sprog?

Euro Qualifier analogies, Tonight show is kicking ass.

And a woman giving the analogy to boot. The misogynists pulling their comb overs out

That accounts for the break so, ā€œpolitics junkieā€ her Twitter profile, fuck off Sarah

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Ah shes hurlin fierce well TBF

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Anyone who describes themselves as political junkies/anorak/nerd is by and large an attention seeking clown


Right-wing politics is a disaster for humanity. It needs to end.

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Dr Ken is some man.


Dr Ken Egan is a hero