Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

A great call to arms.

ā€œWe got through aids in the 1980s. Sure we were all going to get that.ā€

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Imagine having the presence of mind to still throw a dig at Mayo during a pandemic. What a credit to the medical profession.

Hereā€™s Bressie.

A psychological First Aid camp, no less


I flicked back at the wrong timeā€¦ Leave him on says the mrs.

Fuck of Bressie. Cunt.

Did they do that in south korea i wonder

Just Hi-Vis

Heā€™ll be looking for hot water and towels next


My missus left the room when Bressie came on. ā€œIā€™m out. I canā€™t be listening to him.ā€


Fuck. What did Prof say we should do?

Iā€™ve no doubt this mindfulness might not work for everybody, Bressie mate.

RTE even cut him off for a finish.

He must have got shite internet connection in the new gaff.

I donā€™t think Ireland should introduce the lock-down just yet:

  1. Firstly, it would just be embarrassing to do it just because the Brits are. It would be an unbelievable turnaround for Varadkar when just today he was sniping at people who want the country to be ruled by social media. That would undermine the publicā€™s faith in the whole Government response.

  2. Realistically London will be the biggest disaster in all of Europe. If itā€™s not the only reason will be because all the old people have already been forced out of it. We introduced our measures earlier and arenā€™t in quite the same boat.

  3. Our numbers arenā€™t sufficiently bad enough to necessitate it yet. They might be in a few days, but not yet.

  4. The rules of the British ā€œlock-downā€ are a complete load of bollocks. What difference does it make whether you run once or twice a day? It doesnā€™t matter what shops you go into either, so long as those shops arenā€™t crowded and you donā€™t touch anything.

  5. The lock-down will go on for most of the rest of the year so it should be delayed for as long as possible. Also ā€œnon-essentialsā€ start to become essential when you canā€™t get them for absolutely months.

  6. A lot of the shops that are forced to close will find it very hard to ever open again.

I propose that instead the government should introduce stricter rules against crowds and groups - no group larger than 3 people should be allowed outside, either for walking or talking or shopping or anything. I think that would be more effective in reducing the spread of the virus and also easier for the public to comply with without going insane (especially over a long period of time). Beaches and parks and possibly the whole of Howth should be shut on the weekend also, but not on week days.

Itā€™s just a matter of terminology whether you want to call those compromise measures a lock-down or not.

Do you really see us in lockdown for 6 or 7 months? They have already eased lockdown in Wuhan after 2 months with many workers returning to the city to go back to work. Iā€™m not sure 7 or 8 months is actually possible unless the government want a crowd of mentally damaged citizens emerging from their bunkers in time for Christmas. Let alone what it would mean for the economy.

There will probably be a lockdown and then a gradual easing of restrictions as the Irish are liable to go absolutely ape for a fortnight if everything was lifted at once.

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Well, the question is how long this virus will circulate and infect people before enough people get infected to stop it, or we find a vaccine. A vaccine, even if itā€™s accelerated, is extremely unlikely in 2020.

We donā€™t know if what China has done will prevent a second wave, they are already complaining of new cases from infected people coming in to the country. Remember this started with one person, and started in Ireland with a small number returning from Italy infected.

We have to fight it but we also need a plan to plan to get the economy moving again, you canā€™t ramp up spending enormously and have no revenue indefinitely. I think we wait for evidence that this peak has passed, and slowly reopen things while continuing the protection of the vulnerable, and the hygiene / social separation efforts (hand washing, no close contact, stop touching things so much especially your face, etc).

Going out on a limb I would say this will be towards the end of May for Ireland to start easing up.

Closed business last week. Got the first 203 from state tonight.
Its not much and Iā€™m still very concerned about scum landlords exploiting this situation but if lives are being saved it will do just fine, for now


Guys, silly question, why are we looking down our noses at UK & US when Ireland has double the number of cases per head, than them? Is this an unimportant stat or is there another critical stat which completely overrides this?