Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

We are going to do it

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Interesing. Any accountant care to break this down how it might work in practise?

Stay at home please .

I am

He didn’t look the healthiest to start with. Hope for us all.

Had to laugh at that myself.

Been finger banged for years but it’s official now.

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Fuck sake.

Wtf are new potatoes in water?!

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An aggressive lock down or shelter in place is the only way to go lads, otherwise you are looking at hospitals being overloaded by early to mid April. Once that happens deaths will skyrocket. There are lots of other actions required, but the time bought allows those actions to be taken.

If everyone stays disciplined we can be in a much better shape by the end of May, the alternative is horrendous.


That’s way @Bandage buys them. It saves him having to put water into the pot. Just empties the whole bag in.

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I was on my first walk around Limerick city in a few weeks. The place was practically deserted. Heartening to see.

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Of the nearly 12k posts on this topic about 100-200 have been something new.

A sizable whack of the country will get it and have to get it. That hasnt changed and wont be changing any time soon.

All that’s up for debate really is how best to slow the inevitable.

Everything else is just a bit of escapism or wild speculation.

If I didnt have a wife and kid i’d nearly go out and get the bastard thing to get it over and done with - I always hate waiting for the inevitable and i’m the sort that would just rather get my punishment over and done with.


The zombies all moved out to the Cresent?

Bag and all gets fucked into the pot.

I wonder what @Bandage had planned for that one raisin

The only thing that’s changed in the past few weeks is it’s dawning on people what an R0 of 2.5 means versus an R0 of 1.3 for the flu. It needs to be brought below 1.0, and that can be done with aggressive measures.

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Like sliced pears in juice in a tin except sliced potatoes in water in a tin. Apparently the child ates them with a bit of meat and veg from time to time. The poor chap.

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Parenting reported