Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

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Amidst all going on, this is amongst the most horrifying ive heard of

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Tusla are fucking engaged here ā€¦ iā€™m raging.


The crescent is pretty much closed down from what I was told last night. Tesco, Boots & McCabes would keep going.

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I have seen that perhaps 10 times in a few days, the cuteness and the big reveal are no longer working for me.

if we can get r nought to 1 then the disease will fuck off in a converged exponential, basically as quick as it came.

I was listening to an Israeli modeller who worked on the Ebola virus and he maintains lockdowns are a bad idea, and that when countries come out of lockdowns, that r nought will go straight back up to 2 and we start again, estimated that there will need to be restrictions until 2023 and lotā€™s of people will die

the alternative is to let it spread, r nought will go to 1 and the virus will recede in a converged exponential and lotā€™s of people will die.

You heartless bastard.

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Let it spread ta fuck (said in an imagined auld lad voice whoā€™s roaring at a match to let it in ) ā€” dont mind that tippy tappy stuff of locking it down . Let it spread ta fuck.


The opening line you need is ā€œStop fannying around with it back thereā€


no matter how much data is thrown at me I couldnā€™t consciously agree with a strategy that involved just letting it spread.

hopefully what we are doing buys time for scientists to come with an effective treatment that lessens the impact of the virus.


Wisconsin and Alabama are roughly the same population, and similar to Ireland. According to the model, do nothing 100k dead, 3 month lockdown, 2k dead.

More importantly, lockdown buys you time to expand hospital capacity, protect health care workers, develop better treatments, and hopefully develop a vaccine.

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Let it into the big man

this guys theory is that when you come out of lockdown, the virus isnā€™t gone, r nought is still 2 and that more people will die, youā€™re basically just slowing down the death toll, itā€™ll be 50 increments of 2k. the disease, without immunity is going to infect 50% of the population until r nought is 1.

Your guy seems like a heartless, godless bastard.

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I understand his point, itā€™s the same argument experts initially advising Boris made. Where heā€™s wrong is that once hospitals get overloaded, the death rate skyrockets, from 1.4% or whatever it is now to 2 or 3 times that %. You can keep it at 1.4% by controlling the infection rate, and hopefully get it down as treatment improves.


is it viable or feasible to keep this way of living going until 2023?

No. But we have to have hope, and that science and medicine will prevail.

he put some hope in immunology tests on 5-19 year olds, in that they present with very mild conditions if any at all and if they proved immune, then they could be used like a shield, or something to those effects anyway

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he does to be fair.