Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I will later.

That escalated quickly

I hope @Thomas_Brady has the pencil out for his cribbing notes

I hope you have your tissue out to wipe away the jizz

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Horsey crew called out

Sensible measures. 95% of people have been doing that anyway.

I cannot believe people have been getting their hair done. Can we use them for clinical trials or something?


Leo Leo Leo Leo

I ordered stuff from the adidas website last week and it’s only made it from Bremen to Cologne

I suspect it’s around that alright.

If you take the Italian numbers today and what their chief doc was saying (that they were ten times higher number of cases in reality), you’re looking at 1% so far in terms of deaths. You’d guess that will rise a bit further but not by much as there will still be new cases but the deaths per day are falling.

That’s still a huge number given how high the R number the thing has. It would probably surge even further without those numbers. Maybe with preventive measures and having some prior warning unlike the Italians we can get it down to your 0.3% Somewhat overwhelmed but just within a controllable amount.

he is such a statesman, such gravitas


He’s the hero we needed, Leo the Lion


Get the uniform out of the closet

Ready and waiting - boots polished.

But it was keeping 20 lads in a job

Leo backtracking there —

not all heroes wear capes

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A Tour de France from Leo

When we needed a leader he had led us.

Our greatest generation was not in the past.
Spine tingling stuff.