Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

And God.

Human ingenuity will likely come up with work around treatments to mitigate the effect. You canā€™t go headlong for a herd immunity approach that nobody yet knows would even work.

Thatā€™s what Johnson did but had to pull back on doing almost as quickly because he has designs on being PM for a while longer yet. Itā€™s what Trump is now throwing himself headlng into. Also known as a deliberate holocaust.

There is no point looking at the weeks, months and even years to come through the prism of normality as we have it known it up to two weeks ago. A lot of posters here continue to do that.

if you believe in God, then surely you must believe that he put it here, for a reason, isnā€™t everything in his plan?

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Itā€™s great to see mankind binding together in these testing times.

Bar the 19000 that are dead , yes, it is.

I agree, in no way can we just let it spread.

Thereā€™s no point not discussing the alternatives though

All Iā€™m doing here is presenting an interesting modelling result, that is fucking horrific mind.

You cant stop it spreading - you mean spreading at speed I presume?

Itā€™s inevitable that most of the country will get it.

Yes, using plasma from recovered patients, and eventually making those antibodies in the lab. Regeneron are one of the leaders there, they developed the antibodies to help stop the last Ebola outbreak.

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itā€™s inevitable that 50% of the population will get it, if the r nought 2 is accurate and when r nought = 1 the bastard just goes away

I presume yer man is discussing what happens if suppression is kept up over a longer period, and is working on the basis of no work around treatments to mitigate the effects and no vaccine becoming available. I canā€™t remember where I saw it but there was a chart which indicated youā€™d be looking at north of 10 years for the virus to stop spreading in that case.

From a selfish point of view, thankfully iā€™ll be over it as the worst hits and can go about my business as normal.

Online shopping deliveries a disaster with the waiting timesā€¦

2 weeks here.

yeah, just pure data. this was a discussion so he was just giving theories, I havenā€™t seen the actual models/numbers. he reckoned 2023 before r nought got to 1.

he used the example of the Swine Flu - USA didnā€™t contain it and it was gone really quickly from there, Israel did and it was there for a good few years. I donā€™t know how many deaths were in each country from it.

what time is the gov announcement today? 5.45?

Swine flu had a mortality rate of 0.02% worldwide, SARS-2 is 1.4% and will be 3-5% if we let it rip.

He reckons the mortality rate is massively over inflated because of testing. His model shows .3% at r nought =2


Have you a table of daily increases for them like the Irish one you did up?