Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Holy Thursday

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That’s an utterly ridiculous comment in fairness.


Why are so many dying in Lombardy? Are they all all auld fuckers who smoke fags 24/7? They have very advanced medical facilities. Northern Italy would be a proper country with a few quid.

Its full of gooks sewing clothes for high st shops

If you had been round a few days ago that question was answered.

Until you compare him to boris or arlene

  1. Lots of Chinese people working in textiles.
  2. They kiss each other hello and goodbye, even the men. They’re generally touchy-feely.
  3. They’re heavy smokers.
  4. The grandparents live with the grandkids.
  5. The grandkids dont give a fuck and wont follow rules.
  6. Disproportionately elderly population.
  7. The elderly are always out and about on the streets.
  8. High population density with most people living in small apartments.
  9. They’re dirty greasy wop bastards. The women dont wash, the men dont even clean their asses.

They were dead before the boat even sank.


@Batigol please do everything in your power to keep the airport open. Looking out a top window at the planes taking off occupies my child for 10 minutes here and there.

We walked down to St Anne’s Park earlier and saw similar sights to those already mentioned. There were 15-20 teens playing a jumpers for goalposts match on one of the pitches, loads of teens generally hanging out in groups dotted around the park and plenty of them buzzing around on bikes. Think full lockdown is needed alright.

The stuff about children potentially being super-spreaders seems to have been taken on board by the oldies anyway. It’s grand in the wide avenues in the park but the auld wans amused me on the way down and back. One wan practically went out onto the middle of the road in front of oncoming traffic as we were passing. Others nipped across to the path on the other side of the road when they saw us coming. Really panicky, jerky kind of movements out of them at the sight of a toddler in a buggy, or else I smell.

They live on top of one another, bad luck, three international airports around milan, tourists, restaurants, complacency, reliance on public transport…older population, smoking, hugging etc etc.


Who was saying Italy did a great job?

And a hotspot in the West Midlands. The ones in the gym in Wolverhampton have got their oil now

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What will they bench after getting aids. I hope the fuckers die roaring

Dunno. Was it me?
They’re literally going to jail the beejaysus out of quarantine breakers when this is over

what were the UK figures like today?

I was watching that video today from the hospital in Bergamao. The nurse was triaging people. I had a mental breakdown and went to bed for an hour


Jaysus give the man a break will you, can you even imagine what him or anyone in his position is dealing with right now?


Bergamo has about the same population as cork city, in about a quarter of the space.

Leo needs to put away the shirt and tie and put on his doctor’s hat again…we need all hands on the front line.